Sound Modules for new DCC Equipped locos question

Started by Searsport, March 26, 2012, 06:33:58 AM

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OK, I may be dim, but can someone explain this, please?

I found the Tsunami SoundTraxx page in the Parts and Service section on the Bachmann website and it says:

"Beginning in late 2011 Bachmann Spectrum locomotives that are ordered with DCC come equipped with a SoundTraxx Mobile Decoder that has a 21-pin plug and a speaker already installed."

It then says:

"Bachmann also sells a separate sound module to plug into the 21-pin connector. The sound Module and the mobile decoder plugged in together act the same as the Tsunami found in the 2009-2010 released Spectrum models."

Now, I am looking inside my older HO sound equipped 2-8-0 tender and I see three things: a DCC decoder; a speaker; and what I take to be a sound card.  Two wires (yellow and orange) run from the sound card to the speaker (soldered connections) and seven wires (blue, white, yellow, grey, orange, red and black) run from soldered connections on the sound card to an eight-pin plug which is plugged into the main DCC decoder board.

Does the website info mean that Bachmann have now split the components / functions which I have on one sound card and put them onto two separate cards, a decoder and a sound module?  If so, does the "SoundTraxx Mobile Decoder" which now comes with each new DCC loco hold all the loco specific  information, e.g. all the sounds and instructions specific to a 2-8-0, and the "separate sound module" is a generic unit needed to make it work but the same unit can be used with any loco?

The Bachman page concludes by saying:

"Listed below are the locomotive models that currently are or will be shipped with Tsunami Digital Sound Decoders installed.  Select your model from the list to link to a quick reference document specific to that engine. "

"When referencing CV defaults for locomotives built after Spetember 2011, the values in Italics are only applicable if the sound module is plugged into the decoder. "

The list includes the 2-8-0, but no CVs in the document relating to the 2-8-0 are in italics.  That almost seems to read as if all the 2-8-0 sound functions will work without the additional "Sound Module". 

There is a picture atop the 2-8-0 sheet of Western Maryland #744, but the WM 2-8-0 currently available is #760 (Bachmann 51307).  There is no mention of any sound equipment in the description of Bachmann 51307 on the website product information.  It would be very helpful in the website product information said in the entry for each loco "To fit this loco with sound you need to buy component xxxx".

I have only found two "Sound Modules" listed in the Bachmann product information, one for the B&O EM-1 2-8-8-4, and one for the 14-Ton Two-Truck Stearns-Heisler.  Where is the module for the DCC 2-8-0?  They are not in the "Parts and Service" section either.  And I don't see these modules listed by retailers such as MB Klein either.

TIA for enlightenment!


The 2-8-0 and some other steamers are set up so you plug in a shrink wrapped sound decoder that you buy on line or from a LHS. No big deal. Bachmann does not sell these. Other brands will plug in also. Just make sure they have the eight pin plug. There is more to this than meets the eye. I suspect you are quite new to DCC and sound.



Thanks for your reply.  Yes I am new to DCC and Sound.  In fact I am still running my layout on DC, and getting the DCC Dynamis equipment is my next step. I do have the Model Railroader "Basic DCC Wiring, etc., A beginners guide to decoders, DCC systems and layout wiring".

But your reply still leaves me confused:

1 You say Bachmann do not sell sound modules.  I now see that the page on the Bachmann website which I clicked on, which clearly states "Bachmann also sells a separate sound module to plug into the 21-pin connector", is actually a link to (On the Bachmann website click on "Parts and Service", then on "DCC On Board", then on "SoundTraxx Tsunami").   Are SoundTraxx anticipating a Bachmann product not yet available but of which they have advance notice?

2 You say I can buy another brand decoder, and to just make sure it has an 8-pin plug.  But the webpage referred to says that the new (i.e. shipped after late 2011) Bachmann DCC models expect a 21-pin connector.   And if these new models already have "a SoundTraxx Mobile Decoder that has a 21-pin plug and a speaker already installed.", then simply buying a third party sound decoder will not work, because it will duplicate that part of the sound installation already present.

3 So to move to specifics, it seems like if I buy Bachmann 51307 Western Maryland 2-8-0 #760, if I get one which shipped from Bachmann before late 2011 it will have no sound equipment, just DCC, and will take any sound card with an 8-pin connector, plus speaker.  But if I buy one which shipped after late 2011 it will have a partial sound installation including "mobile decoder" and will need a specific complementary module with 21-pin connector, and that module does not seem to be listed anywhere.

What I am keen to avoid in all this is the need to do any soldering, as I am pretty sure I could not solder it fine enough with all those pins so close together.  At present I am running WM #766 (older Bachmann 51306 DCC) with the tender top fitted onto the fully sound equipped tender base from Spectrum 84509 (MEC #507) which I saw being discounted, but that is an expensive way to get to a sound equipped loco, but it should have all the correct programming ready done.  It seems to work in limited fashion under DC in dual mode, but I have yet to see if it is perfect under proper DCC control.




1.  The sound module you read about is for the EM-1 only.  It is unique, as there are no other locos available with a plug-in sound module... so far.

2.  Some of Bachmann's steamers, like the 2-8-4 Berkshire, have a preformed speaker hole.  So all you need is a Sound/Movement decoder, with properly sized speaker.  It's almost plug-and-play, depending on the sound equipment purchased.

3.  The standard, or older Spectrum 2-8-0, has an 8-pin plug, but you will have to fashion a hole for the speaker yourself; either through the coal load, or the bottom of the tender.  I haven't seen any documentation about Bachmann adding a speaker hole to their standard 2-8-0.  That would be great if that's what they are doing.

4.  Soldering decoder wires to an 8-pin plug is not as difficult as it seems.  I do all my soldering with a standard Radio Shack soldering iron.  A fine point tip would probably help, but I've gotten by without one so far.  Just take your time and don't over-do the solder.

Just some thoughts that might help.




The new sound module setup was initiated with the HO scale EM-1 and the new On30 Heisler. Starting with these two items all Spectrum locomotives will be equipped with a dual mode decoder and a premounted speaker . The user will have the option of purchasing a sound "module" that will mount on this decoder for sound (creating a full SoundTraxx Tsunami). In other words Bachmann will now offer one version of a Spectrum locomotive with an optional sound module available for it. There will no longer be three versions of the same locomotive offered (DCC Ready, DCC on Board or DCC Sound on Board).

To install DCC or DCC Sound on older Spectrum items you will need to determine what if any interface is in the locomotive and install the proper decoder and speaker. SoundTraxx Tsunami decoders and speakers are recommended.


Quote from: Yardmaster on March 30, 2012, 08:03:10 PM
all Spectrum locomotives will be equipped with a dual mode decoder and a premounted speaker . The user will have the option of purchasing a sound "module" that will mount on this decoder for sound (creating a full SoundTraxx Tsunami). In other words Bachmann will now offer one version of a Spectrum locomotive with an optional sound module available for it. There will no longer be three versions of the same locomotive offered (DCC Ready, DCC on Board or DCC Sound on Board).


I have to commend Bachmann for finding this everybody wins solution. This has to simplify manufacturing, packaging and inventory control for Bachmann while eliminating a lot of confusion and consequent frustration for us users. Thank you!
                                                                                                                           -- D


Thanks for your replies.  OK, I understand now!

Hi, Jonathan, on 2-8-0 tenders, the original tender base of my WM #766 (older, non-Spectrum Bachmann 51306 DCC, no sound) is moulded with the mounting ring and perforations for a speaker.  As I think this was the edition before the current edition (WM #760, non-Spectrum Bachmann 51307 DCC, no sound), it seems that the non-Spectrum 2-8-0s have been shipping with the speaker ready tender chassis for some time.

In contrast, the tender base of my unlettered, Spectrum 83601 DCC no sound 2-8-0 (bought to provide Ma & Pa #41), has a solid tender base.  The tender chassis shown in the Bachmann spares catalogue is even older, and dated July 2010.  Bearing in mind the importance of a good seating for the speaker it would be good if sound ready tender chassis mouldings appeared in the spares catalogue soon for folks who need one to replace their older chassis.

Thanks again,