which version of 0-6-0 in Durango & Silverton Set

Started by onzeroad, March 02, 2013, 04:45:42 PM

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The article of spookshow insists on the difference in quality between the versions of 0-6-0.

The 0-6-0 version in Durango &Silverton Set has a different tender than the last release version with slope back tender.

So I was wondering if there was a way to know if it is a recent version or if the locos  of these sets are older models.

Thank you.

Mike C

 I don't think its the newest one since it has the Rapido coupler. But there really isn't much difference in performance unless you get a really old one from the 70's. The electrical pick-up will be a lot better if you switch the tenders for a Spectrum one, but that's the only real improvement you can easily make.....Mike


That is the tender that comes with the prarie (2-6-2) which is the same loco as the 0-6-0 with a pilot and trailing truck added. It is prefectly fine and the loco is the new version as the set just came out this past Christmas season. The set comes with knuckle couplers.

You can't always go buy what you see in the pictures. The original release picture showed the set with a 4-6-0 powering it which I still think they should have done. It is a more appropriate loco for the set.
Tony Hines

Modeling the B&O in Loveland, OH 1947-1950


Thank you very much to both of you !  :)

In fact the photo that I've seen is this presentation.

Thanks to your post  I realized that I had not seen how well it was tender, I thought it was the one found on the DCC 2-6-0 but that the set one is longer and it's not a good news. These images are clearer than the set photo .

My idea could be to buy this kit, add this Digitrax DZ125 and have a complete DCC train for a good price  (May also swap the tender for the spectrum slope back that I love). Because this kind of old time passenger cars seems to be rare and even Bachmann don't sell them alone. But I'm not sure, I previously thought to buy a 2-6-0 DCC equipped but the problem of old time cars was a little upset my plans (I 'm not sure to be clear here  :-\ )

Sorry, I'm not very familiar with the differences in American couplers (yet) and I feel that you do not agree about it. Am I wrong ?

Do you think  coach passengers Durango Silverton are compatible with a spectrum slope back tender and Bachmann N 19397 Jackson Sharp Open-Side Excursion Car ? Thanks !

Mike C

Yep I was looking at the picture...Didn't know this set was so new......Mike


The Bachmann 0-6-0 / 2-6-2 is a pretty decent model of a USRA 0-6-0. The tender that comes with the Durango set is actually pretty accurate for the loco. It was a small switcher and never really a passenger loco to begin with. Instead of making the effort to change tenders and make this a passenger loco, for not much more you could pick up a 2-6-0 ro 4-6-0 and have a more appropriate loco with DCC in it already. The slope back tender that you like is so small even putting a DZ125 in it would be a challenge. It's not hard to convert the 0-6-0 to DCC but you would need to run a pair of wires from the motor back to the tender.

This is what an 0-6-0 can look like with a little work (and another tender swap).

Tony Hines

Modeling the B&O in Loveland, OH 1947-1950


Thanks !

I know that you've done an amazing job on the 0-6-0, I saw your many contributions on various forums!  ;) . This is also reading your info on the digitization and processing of this loco I considered this possibility (initially I was rather on the 2-6-0 dcc). As I have already buy dz125 to scan a European railcar, it seemed simple to buy two decoders and make as 0-6-0. What worries me is what you say about the slope back tender that is too small for dz125. I could always take the shorts.

About couplers, sorry, I would renew my question: Durango Silverton passengers cars are compatible with Jackson excurtion cars? Even if I do not take the set now, I will one day buy one of these cars since the production of passenger old timer is so small.

Thank you very much.

Mike C

As far as the DCC aspect goes for this loco, it is definately do-able.  I found the instructions for doing it on another forum and kinda followed their guidelines today. I used an old Model Power tender instead of the orrigional slope back to get better power pick-up though. Wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it might be.....Mike