Handrails for older run of 1860-80 passenger cars

Started by pz324, January 18, 2018, 01:17:49 PM

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I recently purchased 2 UP cars at a train show that are in pretty bad shape.  The only thing I can't find are replacement handrails for the ends of the cars.  I've searched online but can only seem to find handrails for engines.  Any ideas on a supplier?  I can probably find something at a Home Depot or Lowes, but would like to find as close to original as I can.


Your best bet would be checking a swap meet for box's of spare parts,their quite common. Barring that you can make a jig and form them out of brass wire soldering as needed.
Rocky Lives


Make your own out of .012 wire.  They will look a lot better than the oversized originals.  Replace the truss rods while you are at it.


Thanks GN.2-6-8-0 and Trainman203 for the great suggestions!


How do you model the turnbuckles?  I have several damaged truss rods on On30 passanger cars.


This is a photo of my 1870 UP car I made in the late 1990's this guy copied from my Photo Bucket site at the time. I know because the the trucks were not correct and all I had at the time. The hand rails were simple. As I recall, the hand rails were formed. The holes in the deck a little undersized. I had to press them in a little, carefully. All wood model with paper sides. Plastic window frames, window top.
I think Bitter Creek has the proper trucks.
Wrong coupler also.
I got rid of PB site when they wanted me to pay. I have the photos but once bit, twice shy. No more.


The company is now Bitter Creek but does not sell the model anymore. They sell parts for 1900 era. They might have what you want.
You could Google for turnbuckles.
They should be easy to make when you see photos of what they look like.
I think I did that maybe fifteen years ago.

Edit. As I think about this now, maybe twenty years agi I locked  my Kadee coupler trip pin pliers in a vise. Part of the tip is rounded. I managed to make hand rails for a car. It took a few tries for the proper diameter.



The turnbuckles and truss rods can be made with clear monofilament fishing line, tied into a tight loop inside the car.
First, paint the fishing line either black, grey, or 'rust', whichever you want.
Then, tie it into the car body.
Next, take a pair of pliers (needlenose, preferably) and flatten the middle under the car.
Last, take a small piece of sandpaper, or even the pliers themselves, and rub the paint off the center of the flattened section until you can see through it.

This may be the most realistic-looking (for as easy as it is) turnbuckle/truss rod construction you could make.


Turnbuckles on ebay. Tichy Train Group, Grant Line. Check Walther's. I just did a Google search. I have bought from all the past twenty or so years when I did 1900 era trains. Store links in Favorites.
I would love to do link and pin but hardly possible in HO scale.



This reply should probably link to the ON30 discussion,

As you all suggested, I did some Internet shopping and found several good hits.  Both San Juan(plastic) and Wiseman(metal) offer turnbuckles and/or clevises.  Wisemen offers railing stanchions that cad be adapted for the truss standoffs.  Wiseman also offers railing replacements, specifically for the Bachmann Overton cars, as will as an upgrade kit with lots of parts.

Bachmann offers a Freight Car Underframe in black(29906) or rust(29907) though scaled for 25.5' not 35'. It's not quite the same as the passenger cars but could be kit bashed in a pinch.  Its not a bad deal as you get three underframes(no trucks or wheels) with EZmateII couplers. 

You would think with all the on30 Bachmann Overton cars out there, specially the Bradford Exchange models, that Bachmann would offer a parts line to support the passanger cars. Bradford offers nothing and while Bachmann supports mostly the locos and trucks for the basic Overton car, it makes no mention of the Bradford models and the unique parts for them.   All of which are made by Bachmann.

San Juan Car Co.
turnbuckles and clevises

Wiseman Model Services
Upgrade kit
End beam and railing

Bachmann Trains
Underframe kit black

Underframe Kit rust

My experience with the Overton cars is that they regularly break in 3 areas.  The truss when you pick them up and your thumb hits the truss.  The end railing and specially the brake wheel when packing.

I call them Overton cars out of habit.  I know that few of the 34' passanger cars were actually made and were used almost exclussively on the Sierra RR.


Yes, as you know Overton was a MDC Roundhouse term. The Sierra made two 34' cars.
I have an old MDC set of I think of three or four somewhere.
They were not delicate unless you were ham handed.
I have a bunch of truss rod cars.
