38 ton, 2 truck Shay power truck problem

Started by Paul Almquist, September 18, 2009, 01:05:50 AM

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Paul Almquist


I was running my new Shay when it suddenly stopped.  Upon inspection I found that both front and back universal joints broke and the loco would not move.  No clue why.  Frustrated, I put it on a shelf to deal with later.  Well later has come,  several month later in fact.. 

I called the Bachmann parts department and learned that I cannot buy just the U-joint assembly or individual u-joint parts.  I have to replace the entire truck, in this case both trucks.  I am wondering, has anyone else encountered this problem and found a replacement u-joint of some kind?  At this point I'm only interested in a functional replacement and will deal with a "closer to the real thing" replacement at a later time.

Any and all suggestions are welcome.   Thanks



Paul if it's under warranty you just have to send the trucks and they will send new ones out. :o   Sean