GATSME Model Railroad Club - Last Stand?

Started by ebtbob, November 30, 2009, 08:36:25 PM

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Good Evening all,

        The GATSME Model Railroad Club in Ft. Washington, Pa(NW subs of Philadelphia)  may be entering it's last show season.   This past Sunday there was a very nice article in the Philadelphia Inquirer about the fact that the club may be losing is current home in the basement of a school building in Upper Dublin Township.   The building has not been used as a school for a number of years now but is home not only to the train club but a dance club and possibly some scout troops.
        GATSME has been in the basement of the building since 1975 and the loss of the building as home would probably mean the end of the club,  existing for over 55 years.
        This Saturday and Sunday,  Dec 5th and 6th will be the first of our show weekends.   More info can be had by going to   There you will find directions,  show dates,  and other info.
Bob Rule, Jr.
Hatboro, Pa
In God We Trust
Not so much in Congress



The heart breaks over things like this.  I have enjoyed visiting your beautiful layout over and over again (via the web).  At least it can live on through the net. 

Hope your talented crew finds a new home, and a new dream to build upon.  Don't give up, yet. 




Bob:  I know of what you speak.  Our club lost its home of over 20 years when the church decided it needed our space.  We've been homeless now for about 5 years.  We actually merged with another local club who lost their home at almost the same time.  Finding a large, cheap space with at least the modicum of comforts (heat, A/C, bathroom) in the DC area is REALLY tough.  Even in the recession, people around here think even glorified crawl spaces rate $5 a square foot.   :'(

Been a good long time since I last visited GATSME; maybe back to the Valley Forge NMRA national.