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North Pole Express

Started by desperatemom, December 10, 2009, 01:35:44 PM

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Just set up my HO electric train set, plugged in the power pack, flipped the switch but nothing happens. Don't have the user guide anymore, need help to get it running again.



Congratulations on being the 6000th member to join the forum!

OK... I'm afraid we'll need a little more info from you to diagnose the problem.  Is this a train set you set up once a year?  If so, a little cleaning is in order.  Rubbing alcohol works very well on track and wheels, and it's a common household item.

Check the wires that attach the power pack to the track.  Are they well connected?  Did you accidentally connect the wires to the AC side of the power pack? The wires need to be connected to the "DC" side.  Wire terminals should be labeled.  No laughing please... it happens. :D

Check the track itself.  Make sure all the rail joiners fit tightly against the ends of the track pieces.

Other than that... any other info you can share will help.




Yes, I only set it up once a year; it is connected to DC, and I disconnected and reconnected the wires to the power pack to ensure that the connection was tight. Only thing I did not do was clean it. I'll try that and get back with you. Thanx.