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Speed controller

Started by BillyG, January 01, 2011, 02:41:23 PM

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Does the speed controller auxiliary power post produce enough voltage to switch two turnouts connected to one switch? Is their another way to control these turnouts other than off the speed controller post and the provided switches?

Jim Banner

The posts should provide enough power but there may not be a whole lot left over for running trains.  You can alternately use a "Wall Wart" power supply, one of those things that look like a fat plug with a skinny wire coming out of it.  Look for one that produces 16 volts at about 1 amp (about 1000 mA or milliamps.)  AC or dc output will both work.  With the wall wart running the turnouts and the speed controller running the train, there will be plenty of power for what you want to do.

The switch controls provided with the turnouts are only one of the possible ways of controlling the turnouts.  Another way is to use pairs of push buttons.  One button is used to set the turnout straight, the other to set it for the diverging route.  These work particularly well on a control panel that shows a map of the layout because they can be placed on the map right at the turnout they control.  Another way is to use center off toggle switches that are spring loaded to the center off position from both directions.  One way these switches are identified in catalogues is (on)-off-(on) where the brackets mean "momentary contact which automatically breaks when you release the handle."  The spring return, momentary contact is vitally necessary as continued contact would connect the power to the switch motor until it over heated and burned out.

I have not included a diagram of how to wire up these alternatives but one is available on request.

Growing older is mandatory but growing up is optional.


Thanks for your reply Jim. I will look for the "Wall Wart". I believe it will clean up the looks of things as well. Thanks again, BillyG



Check around your house for an extra wall wart. An old one from a tool,
cell phone, toy, radio, etc., will work just fine if the output is right. And you 
can't beat the price! You can cut the output plug off and connect the two
wires to your switch controls.
                                                                          -- D


if you are familiar with electronics, the power supply out of an old stereo or cd player can be made to work as well.
Jeffery S Ward Sr
Pittsburgh, PA