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Reverse Loop help

Started by Jerrys HO, January 22, 2012, 02:48:18 AM

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Jerrys HO

I know there is another reverse loop on here just can not seem to figure it out. I got bored and changed my layout around a little to make it more exciting. There is a loop around the roundhouse where one reverse loop module is going, but I can not seem to find the other loop and where I should isolate it.

Any help is appreciated as every time I run my finger around the rail I end up forgetting which side is which.


I think I figured it out? If you look at the top there is a #6 turnout as it goes straight (insulate there after the turnout) it rises over all the other track and comes down on the other side (figure 8 design)and comes into another #6 turnout ( another insulated track before turnout).  ??? ??? ??? ???



      I would look at your track plan.   Start at every turnout,  trace all track possibilities and see if you return to the same turnout.   As I took a quick look at your track plan,  I think I see 4-5 return loops.   Remember,  your turntable is also a reversing section.
Bob Rule, Jr.
Hatboro, Pa
In God We Trust
Not so much in Congress

Jerrys HO

Thanks Bob

The tt is a bachmann and it does the revering for you.(great huh)
I have ran my finger around like Jim always said to do but I all way's loose it somewhere. That's why I am asking as I don't see but two. I am just going to sit back and trace some more and see how many can be found by other's also. This is what I get for wanting to make it more interesting (challenged,doesn't every body love one)




     I have scanned your track plan and have it in my computer.   I will look at it today and try to color in the reversing sections I find with individual colors.   If you go to my profile,  you will find my email address.   Send me an email and if you like,  include your snail mail address and I will send you the color coded diagram.
Bob Rule, Jr.
Hatboro, Pa
In God We Trust
Not so much in Congress

Jerrys HO

Thanks Bob PM and e-mail sent

Anyone else can figure out this rubic's cube mess.

Jerrys HO

OK, I think I figured it out! Please let me know if I am not right.
First thing I need to clarify is that the outer loop is ok it only connects to the inner loop thru the left and right crossovers. It's the inner loop mess I created. What I come up with now is the first reverse loop is the loop around the round house. The second loop I hope is now the #5 turnout at top (right side of the layout), when it is thrown to turn that track seems to be the only one that changes all the way to the bottom #5 turnout (left side of layout)going straight.

Hope you haven't given up yet.


Hi Jerry,
              I like your track plan and would like to borrow some aspects of it. Although you are on the HO site is your layout actually HO ?  What is the scale of your track plan ?  Minimum Radius of curves ?  Room Dimensions ?

Thanks, Limey.

Jerrys HO


Yes it is all ez track except for 3 girder bridges (Atlas) and 2 - 9"straights used on my scratch built wooden trestle.
No there is no problem with the switch by the tt as it is Bachmann's and unlike all the others it is DCC friendly. It actually changes the polarity on it's own as the tt is turning.
I did the finger test of Jim's till I went blind, kept losing track of what I was doing. I did ebtbob"s color tes and came up with my last conclusion. Waiting on an answer from Bob or Jim (aka electrical guru).


Borrow away! It's all HO and Bachmann product's. No I am not a beginner as some call EZ Track, did O for years. I think the Bachmann stuff is just as good as anything else as they all need tweeking and improvising done.
Inner loop 18r with easment's ( thank's jward and doneldon).
Outer loop 22r with 2- crossover's.
Layout designed by anyrail and adjusted 30 times and the pieces don't match what you see to a tee because of cutting special sections and use of other brand track and a little fudging (that was good).
Only big loco I have is a MTH SD70ACE BNFS (love that engine).


Jim Banner

Off hand, I see two return loops but one of them has multiple entrances.  One loop is around the roundhouse.  The second loop starts and ends at the uppermost turnout in your diagram.  Both tracks leaving the left side of that turnout need both rails isolated.  Then there is a third connection to that loop at the turnout in the lower left corner of your diagram.  This will require insulating both rails of the diverging route of the turnout.

I am assuming that the right hand route from the upper turnout is an elevated track because if it were not, you would need one very fancy turnout with a crossing built right through the middle of it.  While that is not impossible, it would involve at least five frogs and be a nightmare to wire.

As far as finding reverse loops goes, there is no need to keep track of the individual rails.  Just the fact that a train can end up going back over the same track but in the opposite direction also defines a reverse loop.  I too have problems remembering where I started from so I usually keep one index finger on the starting point while using the other index finger to follow the track.


added: sorry I missed the update on your original message.
Growing older is mandatory but growing up is optional.

Jerrys HO

Thank you very much. It almost sounds like I had it figured out on my second reply. If that is the case, then all I have to figure out is the isolated sections.
Let's see if I am correct. I plan on using Bachmann's insulated track designed to be used with the reverse module.
1- place one insulated track after the left turnout located in the upper right corner of diagram.
2- place one insulated track on the track before the turnout as if the loco was coming from the first isolated track.
3- wire in reverse loop module
4- tt easy no complications on where that goes.

If this is correct then it is exactly what I thought and DCC track wiring and design is not as complicated as it seems. :P


P.S. yes that track is elevated as it goes in and out of my mountains twice. Hard to keep my finger on the track in the mountain.
5 frogs you can't be serious. I had trouble figuring out my loops. ;D


Jeffery S Ward Sr
Pittsburgh, PA

Jerrys HO


Will try to get some pics in for you this weekend.




     Spoke to Art last night.  I will try to get an updated track plan that is color coded with position of track gaps for reversing sections included.   It may pay to talk on the phone again,  possibly this weekend.   If you email me your home phone then I can call you if necessary.   Let me know what you want to do.
Bob Rule, Jr.
Hatboro, Pa
In God We Trust
Not so much in Congress