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Bachmann DCC Ready Turntable

Started by Sparky66, August 24, 2016, 11:09:29 AM

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Greetings everyone!

Question.  (and don't yell, cuz I searched and couldn't find my answer).  I just got done hooking up my DCC ready turntable, I added Bachmann's DCC decoder into it, and it works great, (a little loud) until I pull a engine up to the turntable.  Once it hits the bridge, it dies.  Will do nothing.  Yes, I have power to track #4, the one stated to hook up to the track power.

Any suggestions?

**  All stall tracks work though,  just once it hits the #4, it dies.


Try reversing the power wires  on the track.


Hi, thanks for the tip.

I tried it, but still nothing.  I have pinned pointed the problem though, but not sure of a fix.

The problem is..  the bridge doesn't appear to be making contact (or good enough contact) with the powered track.  If I press down where the bridge rails meet the entrance trace the engine will start to move.  I tried prying up the copper contacts to touch the rails better, but it's not helping much, and I don't want to bend them too much to where they fly out of their holes or I break them..

Any other suggestions on how to fix this?


Jerrys HO

Sparkey, I actually had the same problem. My fix is a little time consuming but worth doing. In between each track I drilled a hole then I beveled down the top so I could countersink the heads of the screws I used. With this setup I was able to fine tune each track as you will find out when you fix one another will stop. My TT is on a very level solid board so it had nothing to do with that. After securing the TT with the screws I could adjust the tension on each track and hid the screws with scenic material. Sounds like a lot to do but in reality it took all of 1/2 hour to do.


"Sparky, I actually had the same problem. My fix is a little time consuming but worth doing. In between each track I drilled a hole then I beveled down the top so I could countersink the heads of the screws I used. With this setup I was able to fine tune each track as you will find out when you fix one another will stop. My TT is on a very level solid board so it had nothing to do with that. After securing the TT with the screws I could adjust the tension on each track and hid the screws with scenic material. Sounds like a lot to do but in reality it took all of 1/2 hour to do."

Thanks for the tip, I may have to try this, if I can't find an easier and a temporary way of fixing the issue.



Hello Bachmann..

It's time to address this issue with a FIX please....  I thought I had it fixed, but now it's right back to doing the same thing, and personally the amount of money I spent for 10 switches and a motorized turntable that are 100% unreliable is starting to get me.

And please do not tell me to call TECH support.  I have a job and you all are usually closed when I have time on my hands.

I'll have to think twice before I buy any more EZ trak.  At least this is a temp layout until I move and can build a "REAL" one with "QUALITY TRACK".



If it were me I think I would take off the turntable and make sure that the wipers were making good connection to the disk in the center. Hard to make a diagnosis when you can't physically see the patient. Your best bet is to contact the service department and ask if they are aware of the problem or actually send it in for service. Best I can do - sorry!


Thanks Yard,

I have time today..  I'll try and flip it over and see what's going on.  I know bending the ones on the end of each rail isn't a good thing, now my turntable doesn't move correctly.. it'll try and stop at points..