continuity on a #5 Turnout

Started by monty27, February 28, 2019, 04:03:24 PM

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I have 3 nickle silver #5 turnouts, one will not power the locomotive through the turnout and it shorts the ice cab throttle.
Can any one tell me what is wrong & how to correct it?

Let me clarify my issue; I know the frogs are not powered, but my issue is that I can not get continuity on the track after the frog so the locomotive will continue to run.  I have the jumper connected, I have tried it both ways, still no power in the track after the frog.


The frogs are too high compared to the adjacent rail.  The engine, especially steam, can sit on top of the frog so as to break contact elsewhere or possibly hit something wrong and short out. The frogs need to be ground down to the proper height, I had to do it with 10 of them.

Did you plug in the jumper wire under the switch?