K27 Counterweights succesfully installed

Started by Stevelewis, March 06, 2008, 10:21:28 AM

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My  replacement  counterweights  arrived  today  from  Bachmann UK,  I have  succesfully  installed  them  on my K-27

I took  me  around  30 mins to  do  all 6.

I recommend  that, each  side  is  done  seperately,  start with   Axle  1,  when  this is  done  Axles  3 & 4  can  be  done  together,  then  repeat   for  the  other  side  of the  loco,  be  careful  not to  lose  the  bronze? bearing  from  the  con rods (mine  did not  even come out of place though)

I would  recommend   marking  the  OLD C Weights  so that  they never  get  confused  for  new  ones,  then  stack them in  your  loco yard, nice  bit  of   'scenic clutter'

I have  posted  some  pics on www.gscalemad.co.uk

Close  to  the  Great  Little  Trains  Of Wales!!


I just completed my counterweight replacement as well.

I used a 9/32 six point socket, a #0 phillips screwdriver, followed the instructions in Bachmann's photo gallery.....25 minutes later: DONE!

I also found that using an eye glasses flat blade screwdriver worked very well popping off the end caps.




One thing I didn't recall from the instructions--the need to remove the end caps and retrieve the washer and lock washer from inside the hole.  I had finished one side when I found I had missed them.  Wht nort furnish the screws and washers as part of the repair/upgrade kit?