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Reverse Traction Tire Problem

Started by LOYRR, September 26, 2008, 02:48:28 AM

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I recently purchased one HO scale Bachmann Spectrum PRR K4 with DCC and Sound.  This train comes equipped with metal drivers standard.  I would like to install in place of the metal geared driver wheel set a traction tire-equipped driver wheel set.  Bachmann does not make this item. 

Does anyone know of a firm that can mill down and place traction tires on that third geared driver wheel set so that it can be installed and run properly on the K4?

Yampa Bob

How many cars are you trying to pull?  Or do you have a steep grade to contend with?

Personally, I would not recommend such a drastic modification. With 6 wheel drive you might consider other options.

Make sure the track and driver wheels are perfectly clean, with no lubricant of any kind on them.  The best cleaner is 91% rubbing alcohol, applied with a swab.

If there is some room inside the shell, add a bit of weight centered over the drivers.  To make a thin weight, get a tire wheel weight and hammer it out thin on an anvil. Don't put the weight in the cab, that will only decrease traction on the front drivers. CAUTION.  Wash your hands thoroughly after handling lead.

Fine tune your car wheels for minimum rolling friction.  The truck journals should be reamed with a special tool to remove burrs.  Use only metal wheels and adjust the truck frame journals for proper pressure against the axle points. Ideally there should be a tiny bit of side play.

This is my method for testing cars. I have a 3' piece of flex track mounted on a 1X4.  One end of the board is raised 3/4", equal to a 2% grade.  All my cars must roll quickly down the incline with no assistance, or they don't go on my layout. If they pass this test, then I reduce the grade by raising one end only 1/2", equal to about a 1-1/2% grade.  If the car rolls slowly down by itself then I know the car is tuned to the max.

Contrary to common practice, I do not use graphite in the journals. IMO it just makes a mess.
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