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Messages - trainman203

I also have around 50 locomotives. But I basically started Model Railroading in the year 2007 after being out for 41 years.  Everything I had from 41 years before was destroyed in a fire a few years before.  So I basically started over in the DCC era. I have three DC locomotives, but they are all on hold waiting for decoders.

Presently, I don't run diesel locomotives, i'm modeling the 1930s, but I have around 15 I bought over time to run at some future time on another layout. The reality of model railroading today is that nothing is available very long, nearly everything is limited run in comparison to the days of yore.  It's a good thing I bought those diesels because none of them are available anymore.
HO / Re: Steam engine boiler material and
May 29, 2024, 12:50:31 PM
Great.  Thank you!
HO / Steam engine boiler material and
May 28, 2024, 11:52:14 AM
Plastic or die cast?

1.  Consolidate
2.  Mogul
General Discussion / Re: Live trains in Houston
May 27, 2024, 03:55:47 PM
The KCS Southern Belle inspired paint scheme is beautiful and about to be lost, so much better than solid red.  Count it among the other lost ones like the warbonnet and the black widow.
General Discussion / Re: Live trains in Houston
May 27, 2024, 03:49:33 PM
If the view is looking west and slightly north, with downtown in the distance, this is probably the old T&NO (SP) crossing the old I-GN (MP).  I crossed those diamonds many a time on SP No. 2 and No. 5.  That was 60 years ago more, so nothing looks familiar anymore.
General Discussion / Re: Live trains in Houston
May 26, 2024, 03:42:07 PM
I wish that CPKC Would acquire L&A Ten wheeler number 503 that's rusting away in Port Arthur, Texas.
Putting the iron through a plastic shell was basically a joke.

But. Fill me in.  I've not been very aware of availability of separate DCC only Decoders without sound, and a separate sound only decoder. If that's the case, can one piggyback a sound only decoder onto an existing Silent DCC Decoder.  Please elaborate on this for my enlightenment.
Getting professional installation of DCC is one of the best ways you can spend your money, in my thinking.  Unless you really, really like playing with electronics and extreme micro soldering.  Some folks do, more power to them.  But we have gotten people on here before whose first question is how to make the train go and the next question is how do I install DCC.  I've spent a fair amount of money having a pro install DCC/sound in well over 25 engines, but then, he is a friend and gives me good rates.  Because of that, I've never burned out a decoder or put my soldering iron through a plastic engine shell.
It's easy if you let a pro do it
Yeh.  EZ Command is just the thing in certain settings.
I don't know about calling EZ Command a "standard" system, Ralph.  If you don't want to call it a training system I can understand that, but I myself think "economy" system might be a better term for such a stripped down system.  I'd think that what you call "advanced" is more akin to "standard" in the model railroad world as a whole since I suspect a lot more of them are powering DCC layouts than EZ Command.

None of this, of course is meant to denigrate EZ Command.  For what it is, it is very good, and got me past the DCC Intimidation Stage, which DCC can really do to a beginner.
Maybe very dirty wheels and poor electrical connections within the locomotive.
You may have a voltage drop problem, either within the track itself being loose in places or with the power source.  It doesn't take much power to light up the headlight, it'll come on before the motor moves in many cases.  So the headlight might only say that something is there, not how good it is.  Get a multimeter somewhere and get a reading on your track.  My DCC system delivers between 13 and 14 Volts, apparently some others vary somewhat.
General Discussion / Re: New train isn't working
May 15, 2024, 04:57:10 PM
As much trouble as that thing has caused you, you should consider calling the Bachmann Service department and see if they'll work on it for you, or even better, replace it with a similar one.