David's Parallel Track Spacing Question

Started by altterrain, September 27, 2007, 12:46:42 AM

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For some reason there is no reply button in David's original posting

David's question -
What is the minimum recommended center-to-center track spacing for 1:20.3 scale both for straight runs and curves? I will be using both 5 and 8 foot radius curves.

I use a 7 inch center to center spacing (it might even be on 6 in spots  ;)) on the straight aways and a bit more on curves. I'm only running 1:22.5-29 scale stuff. You probably want to have a 8 inches for 1:20 and more on the curves (maybe a lot more if you're getting one of those new K's)

President of


No reply button -- because David locked his post.



What track do you plan to use?  How wide is your equipment?

Our club trys to use 8 inches.  If you build a double crossover useing Aristo #6's and the 19.5 Deg crossing, it will be almost 11 inches.





Sorry for the locked post. I was wondering why there were no replies.

I will be using LGB and USA trains track; both sectional and flex. And yes, I will be running a K27.

Thanks for the help.
David Silverton
Vernon Hills, IL

Kor Elzenga

Hello Guys,

Check out my answer on the original question (that by the did work). Some of it is similar to the answers in this thread. Anyone interested in my Fn3 gage, send me a note.


Kor Elzenga, Wassenaar, Netherlands

Kor Elzenga

Hello all,

I tried to attach the pdfs for the gage, one for letter size paper and one for A4 size paper, but or some obscure reason the files cannot be uploades and the message posted.
So again my offer: If anyone is interested, drop me a note and I can send it by email.


Kor Elzenga
Wassenaar, Netherlands

korelzenga (at) hetnet.nl