GG1 Sound Value Decoder Function Assignments

Started by pz324, March 05, 2017, 03:29:08 PM

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Can someone tell me what effect each of the function keys do?  The quick start guide only lists steam and diesel, but the GG1 is electric.

Thanks for your help!


From memory - (do not have convenient access to a GG1 to verify)

The assigned DCC function control for the GG1 the decoder:
F0 - Headlight - Backup light
F1 - Bell
F2 - Horn (long)
F3 - Horn (short)
F4 - Pantograph operation sound
F5 - Blower
F6 - Compressor
F7 - Dim
F8 - mute all sounds
F9 - F12 not assigned


Thanks Hunt!  It was the middle 3 or 4 that I wasn't sure of.