I Need Light Bulb Numbers

Started by stubbsO, November 07, 2008, 11:52:25 AM

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What bulbs do I need in my Locos? I have some new locos where the bulbs were toast out of the box, and there were no replacements. It seems like a #51 6V that was in there is waaaay to small.
What's a compatibale LED bulb as well? Thanks


Hi Stubbs,

A number 53 is a good replacement.  12 volt .1 amp.

If you want LED's Scott's Odds n' Ends has direct replacements (bayonet style)




I have used 12 volt light bulbs from Radio Shack for Williams products.

Have NOT used Scot's products, but the Houston Tinplate Operators Soc  has in 022 switches, and produces a cool light.  We have had luck with them.

Also, Scott's has two colors of white lights.  One is a "bluish", modern tint, and  a second "warm" tint that is like the old fashioned bulds.


Quote from: 3rail on November 07, 2008, 10:38:02 PM
If you want LED's Scott's Odds n' Ends has direct replacements (bayonet style)


$5 a pop!!!!!!!!!! Sorry 3rail,  I don't have a high paying gig like you do answering questions on the web to allow for something like that in my budget, and even if I did, I wouldn't. That's just flat out highway robbery! How much are they [scotts] giving you for the plug? Must be a bunch for the prices they want! Tell me, what about the peanut bulbs that you put in switchers?


Dear Stubbs,

You asked for a source of LEDs and I gave you one! No need to get nasty about it!  If you know of a less expensive source of these direct bulb replacements please share it with us! These are a custom product that goes right into the existing socket without any wiring or modifications I think they are pretty slick.  And LEDs last practically forever.

As far as the bulbs for the NW-2, our service department has these.

