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Topics - loco4fun

I've bought a half dozen of the beautiful 'Spectrum' 'Vandy' and 'Hicken' tenders.   These will ride behind some of my old engines in the future.  My problem is a lack of information on getting the engine 2 and 4 pin plugs that mate with the receptacle harnesses that connect the engine and tender.  Does anyone have the 'Mouser', 'Digi-Key', or ??? with part numbers?
I haven't had any luck with talking to the Bachmann parts and service departments.

Any help would be appreciated,

HO / Newest release of GS4 is too slow
October 08, 2009, 05:16:07 PM
My old 'Bachmann Plus' GS4 ran pretty well once 'tuned up' and had excellent paint, but lacked wheel bearings for the drivers and tender pickup for DCC.  The newest release is generally an improvement over the previous engine.  The valve gear is nicely rendered, the drive train is better, and the tender has wheel pickups and an LED reverse lamp.
However, the paint is super glossy and gives a child's toy appearance, but the problem I can't resolve is a top speed of only 55 to 60 smph!  This engine in mainline service regularly ran at 80 mph pulling a full passenger train!  This speed is with DC and DCC.  I also swapped out the Bachmann (Lenz) decoder and installed an NCE decoder without improvement in top speed.
I've notified NWSL of the problem to see if they can work up a solution.
My other Bachmann and Bachmann 'Spectrum' engines have a fine speed range. 

Does the 'Bach Man' or anyone have a similar problem or solution?


Bob Fewel