LED light Bulb replacement

Started by M1FredQ, December 30, 2014, 10:51:59 PM

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Hi Folks

After too long a time I finally got around to replacing the bulbs in my WBB F-7 Atlantic Coast Line units.
From ACE ELECTRONICS i ordered white 12-15 V Bayonet Base Bulbs LED's to replace the incandescent ones.
Order number is 55-111W-1

I don't know what took me so long but it was easy to take the shells off both units and to replace the bulbs.
The LED's make a big difference now I plan to replace all my WBB steamer and diesel bulbs with these LED's.
If 3 rail or anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it. Can these bulbs go brighter?

ACE Electronics info




Also the resistors are built into the bulbs!!!


Also check out Town and Country Hobbies

They have 18v LED's with the built in resistance needed for electric trains

I bought some of theirs today also


Another thing we noticed with the LED replacement are the WBB engine-F-7 ACL runs very smooth.
It now has a slow start up, smoothly runs around the 7x9 layout. Most notable was that we can run the train at a slow speed without it stopping when you get further from the power source.
The lighting does brighten up the cab area and it looks cool!!

Just wnted to post some feedback.
When I get the Town&Country LED's I will install those and see what happens.

Stayin on Track!


Thanks for the info on LED's. I saw it discussed else where.

Lee F.