Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => Thomas & Friends => Topic started by: Cheeky_ULP on April 10, 2016, 03:09:59 PM

Title: Thomas Revision (HO Scale)
Post by: Cheeky_ULP on April 10, 2016, 03:09:59 PM
I don't think a Thomas model revision is going to happen for a long time, personally. There's not much of a financially beneficial reason for Bachmann to do one. However, once again, this is just a fantasy and points I'm wanting to share about how Bachmann -could potentially- revise Thomas.

Recently, I stumbled upon the Twitter page of Thomas_Lab ( ), who is a Japanese Thomas modeller. They have done some fantastic custom models, as well as modifications to their Bachmann Thomas models. It was on further investigation that something was.. slightly different about his Thomas model. The conclusion is interesting, and a small detail I don't think the forum has ever picked up on before:


I've circled other areas in different colors, but my point of interest first and foremost is the red and brown circles.

With these two Red and Brown points combined, it could very well be possible to give a future Bachmann Thomas revision a front hook/loop coupler as well.

Now lets look at the more commonly known and popular modifications Thomas fans do to their Bachmann models already:

Now, I'm no toy designer. I don't know the ins and outs of how design choices are considered for factory production. These are just details I've noticed as a consumer, and still hope will be put into consideration one day.

Let me know what you guys think.
Title: Re: Thomas Revision (HO Scale)
Post by: Chaz on April 10, 2016, 05:23:15 PM
I personally don't think revisions will happen anytime soon mainly because people are still buying these models helping Bachmann make a profit off of them.  If there are any revisions I could see happening in the future, then I would imagine they would update the faces to match the CGI series.  That by itself is an improvement along with James' paint scheme possibly changing next year (if China doesn't goof up again).  If Bachmann were to update their tooling for Thomas entirely and then update Percy and James' the following year(s) as opposed to making an engine in HO with a new tooling like Charlie or Stanley, then I would be completely on board with that.  Paxton could still be pulled off in the process too as an added bonus since he is a recolor. 

I'm still on board with the idea, even though I don't think anything beyond a paint change/updated faces are going to happen.  But if Bachmann is able to make some of these other revisions you just mentioned happen then I think it is worth the investment.  The biggest reason for that is because if other models have been getting some of Bachmann's best quality but the main characters on the show didn't, it makes them stand out horribly in comparison.   This is especially important when new consumers are more likely to pick up the main characters first before considering any of the other characters that are made with better quality.
Title: Re: Thomas Revision (HO Scale)
Post by: UPTODAY on April 10, 2016, 07:08:38 PM
HI everyone,with all this talk about revisions on Thomas & Friends models,let me just say that I am completely satisfied with the models I already have.I got what I paid for and they run just fine!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Thomas Revision (HO Scale)
Post by: thomasj219 on April 11, 2016, 04:36:45 PM
It's more the cosmetic detials we are addressing. And considering the rising price of the models, I don't think accuracy is too much to ask for.
Title: Re: Thomas Revision (HO Scale)
Post by: Griffin (TheBlueSnowplow) on April 13, 2016, 04:58:04 PM
Even though some of these are pretty big, I think they are all within reason. As a matter of fact, did anyone notice that the hooks on the Sounds Thomas and the Celebration Thomas both have black hooks, rather than grey hooks. These changes could be made subtly over time and eventually we'd be left with a much better Thomas than before.
Title: Re: Thomas Revision (HO Scale)
Post by: ClrwtrMK2 on April 14, 2016, 10:46:14 AM
There are other Japanese Thomas modellers on twitter. ( (
Title: Re: Thomas Revision (HO Scale)
Post by: Metal on April 23, 2016, 05:08:36 PM
If they would consider revisions, perhaps they could redo Henry's tender as well.
Title: Re: Thomas Revision (HO Scale)
Post by: JLK2707 on April 24, 2016, 12:59:28 AM
Indeed. Those modifications look great!:)