What N scale steam locos have lights on them?

Started by mike6432, December 14, 2012, 11:18:08 AM

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Hi, I'm new to the hobby and I'm looking at a couple similar Bachmann steam locos. Such as ...

Bachmann N 11751 American 4-4-0 & Tender, Baltimore and Ohio #27   

Now I see there's a light fixture on the front of the loco, but do these models have actual working lights on them?

Also, I know with HO's you can emit steam from the stack with some liquid, is this also the case with a model such as this?



Read the advertising for the locos. All the info should be there.
Forget smoke. N scale does not have it. Again, read ALL he advertising.

Look at the Online Product Catalog.




Questions about a specific gauge are best asked in the board for that gauge. You'll reach
people who model in that gauge who have more and better information.

                                                                                                                  -- D


Most of the Bachmann N scale steam loco's have headlights. The two exceptions are the 4-4-0 and the 0-6-0/2-6-2 models.

As far as smoke. There have been N scale locos in the past that have had smoke but it is not a desirable feature in my opinion. The smoke system is just vaporized mineral spirits which then condenses back on top of your loco, rolling stock and layout, making everything slimy. The early Bachmann Northern had smoke and I have a Rapido Pacific from the 70's that has a Seuth smoke generator in it. I will never put fluid in it though to try it out. I had one of the early Bachmann Northerns with smoke when I was a kid and it would last maybe 2 minutes before it ran out of fluid. It was less than realistic at best.
Tony Hines

Modeling the B&O in Loveland, OH 1947-1950