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Messages - raptor106

HO / hdmi for dynamis ir cable question
May 30, 2013, 09:59:59 AM
hey bachamnn i was wondering i want to expand the wireless ir cable with my probox. now i see that it a 6 wire cable purple, green, orange, gray, black, and blue. now i read someone use alarm cable but i was looking at HDMI cable and seems it have same color wire in cable plus extra. could that work?
HO / Re: dynamis probox set up help.
May 30, 2013, 01:42:13 AM
ah ok. i'm guessing dynamis system can only do one service track. cause on my layout i have 2 siding that i turn in to service tracks by hooking wire together to link up to dynamis command center. so if i have two engines on each service track they be program together unless one on main line.
HO / dynamis probox set up help.
May 29, 2013, 07:24:28 PM
OK so i finally got my dynamis probox up and running and i did what the manual says to set up both maintrack and service track. i set up service track by isolating rails from rest of the layout with insulating rail joiners on both rails.
then added separate power with terminal/rerailer track in that service track area. then i hook up wires to the dynamis command station output.
for main track i hook up wires to the dynamis probox output. now i put two locomotives on layout, one on main track and other on service track and when i program one engine on service track it program both engines to to same number. did i miss something? 
HO / wire for frog on e-z track #5 Turnouts
May 20, 2013, 02:19:20 PM
i have thouse bachmann e-z #5 Turnout on my layout and they all work good. but when i look under there a wire that suppost to connect to the frog. i don't have manual for it anymore but just wondering what dose it do? 
HO / Re: Sheds for e-z track turntable.
April 14, 2013, 12:28:00 AM
ya i have the e-z track turntable with decoder in it and i like it. so i thinking about getting that shed and i know it come with manual turntable. i just checking befor i buy.
HO / Re: Sheds for e-z track turntable.
April 13, 2013, 02:43:58 PM
sweet what about door hights like can sd70ace or es44ac fit though?
HO / Sheds for e-z track turntable.
April 13, 2013, 11:48:41 AM
i was wondering can Tidmouth Sheds from thomas and friends be use for other layouts or e-z track turntable? or will other engines like sd4 and es44 etc... won't fit?
HO / Re: change sound sdh164d
January 27, 2013, 02:19:07 AM
well my sdh164d decoder work well except it draw more power i think. like befor the engines ran really well but now some area of layout the train slow down then speed back up to normel speed. mmm got to look around for fix.
HO / Re: change sound sdh164d
January 23, 2013, 02:38:51 AM
thanks i got it figer out. i know sd38-2 sound is not right for sd70ace but for now it have to do untill i save up for pr3 thing to load right sound in to engine.
HO / change sound sdh164d
January 23, 2013, 12:14:06 AM
ok i just installed sound decoder (sdh164d) in athearns sd70ace. and in manual it come with default steam sound and sd38-2 sound. i trying to figer out how to change sound with my dynamis controle.
i have question has anyone bought 36-509 E-Z Command Dynamis Wireless Receiver if so how long is the extension cord?

HO / dynamis and ez track turntable?
December 27, 2012, 01:34:43 AM
ok so i got ez command dynamis controller for christmas and i got to say i really like it. question has anyone have both dynamis and ez track turntable hook up. if so what do you have it program under? that if you have turntable dcc like i have.
hey bachmann i saw this video on kato working crossings gates and i think it disconntinued. but it neat cause it has justable sensers in set of tracks, and you can add as many track crossings as you like rather it 2 or 5 tracks cause it was clip together kinda thing. and the gates go up and down and real flashing lights. so i was thiknig could you do the same thing but useing e-z track dual crossing gates with working signals and lights and ajustable sensers in ez track. or would that be copying kato idea and getting sued? 
General Discussion / signal technology
December 20, 2012, 02:02:30 AM
ok i went to trainshow earlyer this year and there this signal layout where one engine was on siding and signal was red and it was waiting for other engine to pass. so once the other engine pass and signal on siding turn green the that engien went on main line. and stop then back out on main line to other end where it stop at red liek to wait for other engien ot take siding. and once that engine same back and taking siding the mainline engine went on. and it did that back and forth and it was demo. now all if this was control by laptop witch i found really neat. but since technology come so far can you set a layout with signal that stop one train and wait for other train to go by. even if it at  max speed train not move until it get go ahead.
HO / Re: e-z command dynamis point accessory question?
December 16, 2012, 11:11:09 AM
cool. but sound like i have to cut the black tab off the green wire.