Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => Large => Topic started by: Francois on August 17, 2009, 10:47:05 AM

Title: Three-truck Shay couplers
Post by: Francois on August 17, 2009, 10:47:05 AM

I've just baught the fantastic three-truck Shay.
This is a great locomotive but I have a little problem with :
Couplers are too much low for Spectrum Fn3 cars.

Does anybody know how to increase there height ?

Thank you for your help


Shay couplers are at the correct height for big haulers cars ...
( (

... but are not compatible with Fn3 Spectrum cars
( (

(clic on pics for more picture and short video of the Shay locomotive, on my web site)
Title: Re: Three-truck Shay couplers
Post by: jestor on August 19, 2009, 10:02:03 AM
The Spectrum cars are supposed to come with extra coupler sets to lower the couplers to big hauler coupler height. Would that not satisfy your need to be able to couple the Shay to it?
Title: Re: Three-truck Shay couplers
Post by: Doug.Oaks on August 20, 2009, 09:27:44 AM
The conversion to correct-heighth couplers is documented on the Kadee website. It is simpler than the lengthy documentation my imply. Your engine will look better, too.
Title: Re: Three-truck Shay couplers
Post by: Kevin Strong on August 20, 2009, 10:19:19 AM
Quote from: jestor on August 19, 2009, 10:02:03 AM
The Spectrum cars are supposed to come with extra coupler sets to lower the couplers to big hauler coupler height. Would that not satisfy your need to be able to couple the Shay to it?

If the Shay is the only "out of conformity" piece of rolling stock, it makes more sense to adjust it to the rest than vice versa. If I recall, the forney will have "reverse" adjustment couplers that go from the Big Hauler height to the Spectrum height. Of course, that's not going to be available until November, and even then there's no assurance that such adaptor couplers will be available separately. (HINT, HINT!!!) So, if you're interested in sticking with the Bachmann couplers, for the time being, you may have to get some older plastic Big Hauler couplers and do some surgery on the shank to get it to raise up to the correct level.

However, I suspect that for the time being, Doug's Kadee suggestion is the most expedient solution. They do couple with the Bachmann couplers, and will be at the correct height after they're installed.


Title: Re: Three-truck Shay couplers
Post by: Francois on August 20, 2009, 11:24:51 AM
Thanks for answers.
I have extra lower couplers with all Spectrum cars, but I prefer keep couplers at upper height, I think it looks more realistic.
I will have a look at kadee website.
I did'nt know that kadee couplers are compatible with Bachmann :)
Title: Re: Three-truck Shay couplers
Post by: glennk28 on August 20, 2009, 09:02:02 PM
Mount the couplers at the proper height--either Kadee 835 or Accucraft will  (or should) fit the link pockets on the end beams--at least they did on the Climax and Heisler.  As I remember my first Shay, the Kadee 831 mounted on the truck bracket.  Check with Sam at Kadee--if you prefer the Accucraft knuckles, they will mount the same way as the 835.  gj