Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => HO => Topic started by: jerryl on December 17, 2009, 05:23:34 PM

Title: NWSL Climax gears
Post by: jerryl on December 17, 2009, 05:23:34 PM
  Just got the latest NWSL news. It states that they will be testing the new HO scale Climax gears soon.   Really hope Bachmann can come to some agreement with NWSL & reintroduce the Climax with the metal gears.
   The Climax is a great looking loco & runs like a watch...until the gears go.The letter also stated that some Asian countries are copying some of NWSL products & selling them cheaper. They urge us not to buy them & I heartily agree. NWSL has always put out a Quality Product, It's not right for someone else to pirate their product after much was spent on R&D. Stick with authentic NWSL products & you won't go wrong.  No, I don't have a stake in the company, I've just used many of their products with excellent results.    Jerry
Title: Re: NWSL Climax gears
Post by: rich1998 on December 17, 2009, 05:48:24 PM
hi jerry

just got the same message. i have been buying from nwsl for over 15 years and the new owner is doing a fantastic job. i sent him an email mentioning the good reports i see in different mrr forums.
among over two dozen reports I saw one negative from one grump.
Title: Re: NWSL Climax gears
Post by: jerryl on December 17, 2009, 08:32:55 PM
I was just looking at my Shay gears...WOW.  Hope they hurry up before my eyes get worse.  They are small & there are a lot of them. Looks like you don't have much leeway for a proper mesh.   Jerry
Title: Re: NWSL Climax gears
Post by: RAM on December 17, 2009, 09:30:18 PM
Jerry I took the liberty to copy most of your post on the Climax to move it to another forum.  It is really a shame that so many locomotive have gear problems.  I had one Bachmann and I am waiting for a P2K to fail.We need to pass on any information we might have for repairing locomotives. 
Title: Re: NWSL Climax gears
Post by: Jim Banner on December 17, 2009, 11:36:01 PM
"I can make it cheaper and just about as good" is the start of a downward spiral to junk.  I hope NWSL never falls into that trap.
