Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => HO => Topic started by: Frankv on January 20, 2010, 12:47:40 PM

Title: Thomas Gordon engine has a limp
Post by: Frankv on January 20, 2010, 12:47:40 PM
I took our new Thomas Gordon engine out of the package and started to break him in. My partner in railroading, my 6 yr old grandson said, "Look, Gordon is limping". Sure enough, he has a little hitch in his stride, more evident at low speeds, but present at all speeds. It's evident when running in a cradle also. So, I lubed the external linkages lightly with Labelle, but the very regular hesitation is still there. I can't observe any binding in the drive linkages, so it might be internal. We have other Thomas 3 axle engines; namely, Spencer and Henry, and they run smoothly. Gordon is still under warranty, but I would rather not send him back if it can be fixed. My questions: 1) might it smooth out if I run it some more?, 2) is this a design quirk of Gordon's? If there are other Gordon owners out there, I'd like to hear if they have experienced this.
Title: Re: Thomas Gordon engine has a limp
Post by: ABC on January 20, 2010, 01:46:52 PM
Try posting under the Thomas section for better results as not all of us in HO have experience with Thomas engines.
Title: Re: Thomas Gordon engine has a limp
Post by: Frankv on January 20, 2010, 02:24:31 PM
Thank you, ABC. Will do.