Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => HO => Topic started by: stunes on April 24, 2010, 12:16:00 PM

Title: Painting detail parts
Post by: stunes on April 24, 2010, 12:16:00 PM
I'm working on painting and detailing a Spectrum Dash 8-40CW undecorated kit, and trying to paint the handrails. Does anybody have recommendations for a type of paint that works well? They're black plastic, possibly Delrin or something similar. I tried using Floquil, both spray and brush, but it just flakes off. Thanks!
Title: Re: Painting detail parts
Post by: Jim Banner on April 25, 2010, 05:43:46 PM
Floquil bonds very tightly to many materials and requires only a thin layer to hide any colours underneath.  This makes it ideal for painting fine details without filling them in or covering them over.  However, Delrin is not one of the materials it bonds to.  And hand rails are not overly abundant in details anyway.  So a thicker layer of paint with enough strength to hold on by forming a tube around the hand rails is what is called for here.  I find acrylics applied with a brush do a good job.  The trick is to put them on in one pass - going over the rails again to smooth out the first pass usually just messes them up.

Title: Re: Painting detail parts
Post by: OldTimer on April 25, 2010, 08:14:37 PM
I saw a tip someplace that recommended using a round toothpick to apply the paint to handrails.  Dip the toothpick in the paint and then roll it along the handrail.  I have never tried this method, so I cannot personally vouch for the process...but it might be worth a try if nothing else is working for you. 
Title: Re: Painting detail parts
Post by: HO-Ron on April 26, 2010, 05:54:30 PM
My suggestion would be to use Pactra Racing Finish paint. Made by Testors (same people that make Floquil and Polly Scale). It comes in various colors, but I have found that Black, White and Yellow will work for most hand rails made from Delrin. The paint is formulated for Lexan racing cars. It will not flake and has great "flexibility". Personally I have done twenty plus engines with it and nary a problem over the years.

As always, your mileage may vary...  ;)
Title: Re: Painting detail parts
Post by: Doneldon on April 26, 2010, 09:29:02 PM
Thanks, Ron.  I'll try the Testors as I have some Delrin handrails I need to paint, some yellow and some red. 
Title: Re: Painting detail parts
Post by: Santa Fe buff on April 28, 2010, 08:33:33 AM
There are these micro brushes which can make the small handrails a little easier, but I won't post the link because they are incredibly expensive. So, instead, I recommend  a very small paint brush. Something no wider than 1/4 of your finger nail in width. Not thickness or length. Length is whatever you like. The shorter the brush, the harder it is, and the opposite applies for long brushes. I have tried the toothpick method, and it only works if you use a lot of paint at a time, and make sure it's even in thickness or thinness. Too thick with chunks leaving a choppy job, while too thing will have the paint run like water and be absorbed by the toothpick. Remember to wipe off the end of the toothpick after each stroke to keep it going. Paint dries kind of fast for the toothpick.
