Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => HO => Topic started by: riff99 on June 18, 2010, 01:32:38 AM

Title: Boxes for the Bachmann Silver Series
Post by: riff99 on June 18, 2010, 01:32:38 AM
I've kind of been a stickler for keeping any freight cars, engines, etc. in their boxes when they aren't being used.  However, I recently ordered some cars that came without their boxes (I guess to save money on their end...who knows).  It's my own fault for not fully reading each item description.  This was a first and safe to say last time I order something before reading EVERY word in an auction.

However, I thought, "what better place to inquire about spare Bachmann boxes than at the Bachmann Forum".

So, here it goes......does anyone have any freight car boxes, specifically for the Silver Series, that they might be willing to sell or give away??  These are the Product # boxes I'm looking for:


I'm really not worried about the names on each car box.  I guess you could say that all I'm looking for is SS boxes for two 40' Gondolas, one 40' Quad Hopper, one 40' OPEN-DOOR Box Car, and a 50' PLUG-DOOR Box Car.

I honestly don't expect a response, but I feel better about asking.

Thanks Guys.
Title: Re: Boxes for the Bachmann Silver Series
Post by: Kris Everett on June 20, 2010, 09:48:37 AM
actually instead of buying them i have a better idea find sone thin cardboard like the "shoe box stuff" make a box to fith them then cut out a hole. and hot glue some plastic wrap over the opening and paint it. WAY cheaper.
Title: Re: Boxes for the Bachmann Silver Series
Post by: jettrainfan on June 20, 2010, 12:19:29 PM
I think I got the csx hopper box somewhere. Don't know for sure though. If I do , you can have it if you pay for shipping. Can't make any promises though
Title: Re: Boxes for the Bachmann Silver Series
Post by: riff99 on June 20, 2010, 07:23:19 PM
LOL...that idea SOUNDS great, trainboy16, I'm just trying to figure out how to make it happen when I'm gifted with the artistic talent of a gnat.  I may throw that idea at some people I know who might help me understand your concept.  Thanks.

Thanks, jettrainfan.  No promises, I know.  Do I really have to pay the shipping??  ;)  (that's a gimmie)

I really expected no replies, guys.  HOPED...but didn't 'expect'. This Forum ceases to amaze me.  Thank you all!!
Title: Re: Boxes for the Bachmann Silver Series
Post by: Kris Everett on June 21, 2010, 10:54:04 AM
all you have to do is as follows

find some shoe box cardboard
measure the length of the train and height and the width  mark those down on the card board then whats going to be the right side of it when its done cut out a window leaving about .25" on the top and bottom and about 5" on the left and right then place some clear plastic wrap over the hole on the inside and hot glue it down ;D

Title: Re: Boxes for the Bachmann Silver Series
Post by: Kris Everett on June 21, 2010, 12:08:16 PM
send me a message if u need help again
Title: Re: Boxes for the Bachmann Silver Series
Post by: riff99 on June 22, 2010, 10:22:21 PM
TY for the specifics.  I'll drop you a note when the project commences and inevitably when the problems arise...   ::)
Title: Re: Boxes for the Bachmann Silver Series
Post by: jettrainfan on June 22, 2010, 10:25:17 PM
couldn't find it, probably fell behind the freezer but the daddy long-legs haven't trespassed on L&W property (yet) so im not gonna look, sorry.
Title: Re: Boxes for the Bachmann Silver Series
Post by: mattyg1306 on June 23, 2010, 12:46:46 AM
riff...I actually buy boxes at Wal-Mart in the postage/stationary department.  There is a flat, open top box kit sold there that fits about 4 or 5 cars perfectly, and is actually a little more convenient than having the actually boxes as far as storage (and the price is right, also...less than $1/box!).  You can also buy boxes specifically made for storing train engines/cars (complete with foam backing to keep them safe) on and other various sites, but this could get quite costly, although each of their boxes holds @20 cars. 
Title: Re: Boxes for the Bachmann Silver Series
Post by: riff99 on June 23, 2010, 03:13:44 AM
That's great info, Matty.  Thank You.  I'll drop into Walmart tomorrow for a look.  I'll check out Walthers as well or any place that sells storage boxes.

I appreciate you looking for the CSX box, Jettrainfan.  I avoid those dark places as well (oh man, I fear a shrink sermon oncoming with THAT line!!)
Title: Re: Boxes for the Bachmann Silver Series
Post by: Kris Everett on June 23, 2010, 08:03:13 AM
*dun dun dun dun* :o
Title: Re: Boxes for the Bachmann Silver Series
Post by: Doneldon on June 23, 2010, 07:19:02 PM
riff -

Actually, I am one, but no sermons on this board.

                                                      -- D
Title: Re: Boxes for the Bachmann Silver Series
Post by: riff99 on June 23, 2010, 10:41:54 PM
oh, heh heh...I knew one of those lines would bite me at some time   :-X

No disrespect intended to any shrinks out there.  Heck, I see one on occasion as well and they keep me pretty sane.  OK...maybe sorta sane   ;)  (my quest for the EZ Command DVD cars and engines is a session, or 4, all to itself).