Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => HO => Topic started by: steverg on January 20, 2011, 05:44:42 AM

Title: Spectrum 2-8-2 Susquehanna Mikado
Post by: steverg on January 20, 2011, 05:44:42 AM
I recently got BURNED on an auction gone TERRIBLY wrong trying to get one of these things on Ebay and I would like to know if there is someone or someplace selling a brand new in box and plastic wrapped 2-8-2 Susquehanna Mikado for around $100.00 or so.  I have searched just about every hobby store site in Model RRer magazine and keep coming up short.

If ANYONE out there has a brand new one they are looking to get rid of, PLEASE let me know INSTANTLY!!!  Time is an important factor here...
Also, if anyone knows of a shop that I missed that they KNOW they have one in stock, again please let me know.
I should point out that I will NOT be dealing with ANY TX sites or people.  Rather large and vague but I cannot take any chances.  That's where the seller I wish to NOT deal with is at.
Ebay is ALSO out of the question.  ACTUAL people and ACUTAL stores only.  Thanks
Title: Re: Spectrum 2-8-2 Susquehanna Mikado
Post by: Doneldon on January 20, 2011, 06:21:58 AM

I'm sorry to hear about your bad experience on ebay. ebay usually works just fine but once in a while you run into a real stinker. I guess I've bought or sold about 2000 items on ebay with only one time I got ripped off (but BIG) and one other time a fellow sold me a locomotive which tested well but wouldn't work under real world conditions. I guess what I'm saying is that I understand your frustration and sense of getting ripped off but don't assume that's the way it always goes. Most people are good people.

As for your Suzy-Q Mike, I don't personally know of one but I'd bet there is one somewhere. You may have to keep lookingfor a while. It would be nice if there were a reverse ebay where we could list what we want and the sellers could find us but that service doesn't exist. Keep looking and keep ebay in mind. Complete your deal through PayPal and you'll have some insulation against a financial loss. Also, this board is a good place to express your desire for a model item. I'm sure there are a bunch of the Mikes out there sitting in somebody's closet and they just need to have a reason to think about it. It might be helpful to look a little less anxious for the loco, though, as your intensity may cause someone to bump up the price on you, assuming you'll pay anything.

Well, I guess I've been of no help but don't let this freak you out. There's a good chance you'll run across what you're looking for. Good luck in your quest.

                                          -- D
Title: Re: Spectrum 2-8-2 Susquehanna Mikado
Post by: OldTimer on January 20, 2011, 09:59:33 AM
The last few pages of every issue of Railroad Model Craftsman and Model Railroader consist of a (bricks and mortar) hobby shop directory by state.  Most hobby shops are glad to special order items they don't have in stock.  You may be asked for a deposit up front for expensive items.  If you make all payments with a credit card, you have some extra protection.

As a long time e-Bay user, I encourage you to try to solve your problem through e-Bay.  There is a Resolution Center that you can reach through the Customer Support link on you My e-Bay page.  If you and the vendor cannot come to terms and you really got taken advantage of, you should leave negative feed-back.  Make sure that your communications with the vendor are done through e-Bay so there is a record.  Hope this helps some.
Title: Re: Spectrum 2-8-2 Susquehanna Mikado
Post by: ACY on January 20, 2011, 10:11:09 AM
QuoteIt would be nice if there were a reverse ebay where we could list what we want and the sellers could find us but that service doesn't exist.
Ebay has such a feature, buyers can list items they want in "want it now" with a price they are willing to pay. But everyone who uses this always puts real low ball prices that would rip the sellers off big time.
Title: Re: Spectrum 2-8-2 Susquehanna Mikado
Post by: richg on January 20, 2011, 10:46:40 AM
You completely omitted what is wrong with the loco. Please tell. Maybe all of us can help get it running.

Title: Re: Spectrum 2-8-2 Susquehanna Mikado
Post by: richg on January 20, 2011, 10:54:09 AM
Ok, you do not want to hear this. The Favorite Spot has this loco for $115.00. I buy from this shop. They have very good service.
I just bought a Spectrum 4-6-0 with Tsunami sound for $160.00. Some of my Spectrum small diesels come from this shop.

BUT, they are a ebay seller.

Title: Re: Spectrum 2-8-2 Susquehanna Mikado
Post by: Johnson Bar Jeff on January 20, 2011, 01:53:41 PM
Quote from: richg on January 20, 2011, 10:54:09 AM
Ok, you do not want to hear this. The Favorite Spot has this loco for $115.00. I buy from this shop. They have very good service.
I just bought a Spectrum 4-6-0 with Tsunami sound for $160.00. Some of my Spectrum small diesels come from this shop.

BUT, thye are a ebay seller.


I got my Richmond 4-4-0 from The Favorite Spot via eBay. I wouldn't hesitate to buy from them again.
Title: Re: Spectrum 2-8-2 Susquehanna Mikado
Post by: Pacific Northern on January 20, 2011, 04:22:17 PM
Hoyardsale on yahoo has "Wanted" items as well as for sale items.

I bought a few of these engines mainly through The Favorite Spot. I always check to see what items are available there before I buy a Bachmann item.

I was quite surprised to see that the level of detail was above the normal Spectrum steam engine. I assume that is because this item is part of the Chinese production line and meant for their domestic market  and not the regular Bachmann line intended for the North American market.

the original Poster indicated this was a bad e-bay sale through a Texas seller. Wonder who?
Title: Re: Spectrum 2-8-2 Susquehanna Mikado
Post by: steverg on January 21, 2011, 12:52:58 AM
For Pacific Northwest-->
The two previous posts hit the nail on the head EXACTLY!  richg and Johnson Bar Jeff.
THAT is the EXACT Ebay seller from TX that I do NOT wish to deal with any longer. 

For richg --> 
I would have no idea what is wrong with the engine if there ever was...I never got it!!  I paid $127.00 for it which WAS a very resonable price for it and it never got delivered.  Its a very lengthy story and one that I'd rather not go into here. 

If any of you would like to know, send me a PM or email me directly and I'll relay the whole sorrid tale.  Quite depressing as well. 
For OldTimer -->  I have contacted a few of the retailers in this months Model RRer mag but came up short.  I shall continue my quest this weekend.
Thanks to all!!
Title: Re: Spectrum 2-8-2 Susquehanna Mikado
Post by: Pacific Northern on January 21, 2011, 01:08:28 PM
As I stated I have bought a number of items from the Favorite Spot and would not hesitate to purchase again.

I had two problems with items, one was the item was damaged in transit. A bell was damaged on the steam engine and need to be replaced. This would not have happened with the old foam packaging.

I contacted Bachmann for the replacement part which was then sent to me

The second problem was a package which took six weeks to arrive. Turns out it was stuck in Canada Customs for an undue length of time.

Being curious I checked the unfavorable feedback for the last year at the Favorite Spot and there was not a single case of any purchaser who bought a Bachmann 2-8-2 leaving any negative feedback.

Title: Re: Spectrum 2-8-2 Susquehanna Mikado
Post by: steverg on January 24, 2011, 02:36:45 AM
Pacific Northwest...
It wasn't a case of having anything wrong with the engine, its that I never got it!  He switched the engine with a different one destined for a customer in FL.  I called that person and we were just gonna swap.  His WIFE goes ahead and contacts The Favorite Spot to tell him (ray) about the mix up and instructs us to send it back to him...what a waste of time.  So, I concur.  I had the wrong item sent me (that was supposed to go to FL) wrapped up on my table and told my family NOT to touch it...I would be away for the weekend.  I get back and My SISTER sends the wrong item to its intended buyer in FL.  NOW, they have over $1000.00 worth of engines (2) and I got nothing.  They had mine and sent it back to Ray.  They 'claim' to have sent the duplicate back to Ray as well but I cannot confirm that.  So, I opened up a case against Ray stating that I did NOT receive the engine nor a refund.  That S.O.B. won't give me either.  I told Ebay that if I did not receive the engine by the 25th I would contact them back and FORCE them to FORCE Ray to deliver.  I have done all that is necessary (thanks everyone) to get this item in my hands through Ebay and the seller and at this point I am so furious I am thinking about pursuing a small claim and file a legal dispute.  I am out $127.00, he switches the order and he DOESN'T deliver!! 
Title: Re: Spectrum 2-8-2 Susquehanna Mikado
Post by: steverg on January 24, 2011, 02:41:41 AM
Right from the get-go he was degrading and evil in his emails, when I tried to explain my case stating that it was to honor the passing of My Father on this Valentine's Day as this was one of his favorite engines and I wished to display it with a picture of My Dad in front of the REAL 142, he was cold and heartless and showed no emotion towards my Family AT ALL and I IMPLORE all of you out there, no matter how reasonable the price may be nor how tempting, or anything,
DO NOT BUY FROM THIS GUY!!!  There's no 'favorites' here with this amount of heartless evil.  That should be his new title...The Heartlessly Evil Spot!!
So, now I'm on the hunt for a new one.  One question about 83212; Susquehanna 2-8-2 #142.
Some pictures show the tender with spaced out lettering while some show letters pushed together.  Which item number as the spaced out lettering?  If it IS 83212 how can I be sure that I am getting the spaced out lettering, once I find it?
Title: Re: Spectrum 2-8-2 Susquehanna Mikado
Post by: Johnson Bar Jeff on January 24, 2011, 03:38:47 PM

Dang. What a painful experience. I don't blame you for being angry. I would be, too.

My condolences on the loss of your father.

Title: Re: Spectrum 2-8-2 Susquehanna Mikado
Post by: andrechapelon on January 24, 2011, 06:04:01 PM
Having read the whole thread, this looks more like a "comedy" of errors rather than malfeasance on the part of The Favorite Spot.

First of all, trying to arrange a swap with the guy who mistakenly got the OP's engine was a mistake. While it might have worked if other parties hadn't gotten involved, it eliminates the most important part of correcting a mistaken transaction - the paper trail. What if the swap had worked and the OP's engine had arrived damaged (or the guy in FL got a damaged engine, or both)? EWho would be to blame then? The correct course of action would have been to contact TFS to correct the original problem (receipt of incorrect item).

Not being privy todetails of the fiasco vaguely alluded to by the OP, I have no idea why or how the original error was compounded by the errors of other parties with no real interest in the transaction, but this whole thing appears to have taken on some of the aspects of a Three Stooges short. I also don't know what tone the OP took in his initial communication with TFS when things fell apart, but from what I can see based solely on what's been stated by the OP, TFS was caught in the middle of a situation made all the worse because people who shouldn't have been involved involved themselves for whatever reason.

The Favorite Spot has outstanding ratings when you consider that they've had something like 100,000+ transactions. You don't do that volume of business without making an occasional mistake.

I'm sorry for the loss of the OP's father. Havng lost mine 35 years ago, I know how that feels. I do, however think the anger is misdirected.

Note to the OP. Were I you, I'd be a bit more judicious about what I said about TFS. It could be construed as libel, especially since there is evident malice.

Title: Re: Spectrum 2-8-2 Susquehanna Mikado
Post by: hawaiiho on January 24, 2011, 07:46:23 PM
This might not help you much and is a little off the subject, BUT........

I looked at his web site and looked at his Feed Back Profile and Andre is correct. He has very few negative feedbacks and thousands of positive ones.
I would suggest you try and contact him directly and explain why you were so upset and even apologize. Then try and work some thing out.
The feedbacks sound like he can be reasonable if approached correctly but, also "bow his neck" if some one comes on strong to him.

I did notice one thing about his site, like many Internet hobby "stores" he doesn't have a "real time inventory" on line.  And most of the
negatives were caused by him not having an item in stock that he sold.

I have pretty much limited my self to ordering only from those internet dealers who have an on-line "real time inventory".  
This eliminates a lot of problems. If I get desperate enough, I will use some one who does not have "real time inventory", but with
the realization that I might have a long wait and possibly never receive the item. I have had that happen more than once, but never when
ordering from an internet seller that has "real time inventory" on line.

I apologize if this is off topic, but I felt it might save some one here  from having such problems and prevent some hard feelings.


Title: Re: Spectrum 2-8-2 Susquehanna Mikado
Post by: Pacific Northern on January 24, 2011, 09:59:03 PM
Having heard the story I am surprised the OP has not realized how unattainable his position is.

His statement that he has not received the item is not at all totally correct.

While I can understand his disappointment he is in no position to demand anything.

Once the engine shipped by the Favorite Spot was received he should have dealt only with the vendor.

How he tracked down the other purchaser is not important. Shipping the engine to the other purchaser was a foolish thing to do, it only made the situation worse.

I for one will certainly continue to shop at the Favorite Spot anytime I am looking for a Bachmann product.
Title: Re: Spectrum 2-8-2 Susquehanna Mikado
Post by: Doneldon on January 24, 2011, 11:32:56 PM
I also purchased an item from the Favorite Spot which was out of stock. They contacted me and offered an immediate refund or a wait until one showed up. I elected to wait. After a couple of weeks the Favorite Spot contacted me again to say they didn't have the exact item I ordered but they had the same loco with a different cab number. That was fine with me. I received the loco within a few days of that. I must say that I think the Favorite Spot did just fine by me. They offered a refund or a wait, told me when the merchandise was in stock and then promptly
shipped it to me.

IMHO OP's experience is out of character for the Favorite Spot, and, I must say, he contributed to the problem himself by not keeping the issue just with TFS. Once third parties get involved it becomes just about impossible to figure out who is responsible for what. Plus, outraged emails or phone calls rarely lead to a happy solution. I don't know if those occurred in this matter, but the tone of the posts makes me think that it might have.

We all make mistakes or have misunderstandings. Hell, I've made two mistakes already this year and it isn't even February yet. But things get straightened out when people are respectful and clear, but worse when they are not. I think it would be great if the OP and TFS could start over. I'm just sayin'.
                                                                                                                                                                                             -- D