Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => Large => Topic started by: norman on July 04, 2011, 10:29:04 PM

Title: Lobbying for a multi scale appropriate loco as a response to Glen's comment.
Post by: norman on July 04, 2011, 10:29:04 PM
July 4, 2011

Dear Mr. Bachmann:

In response to Glen's comment:


« on: June 30, 2011, 07:44:13 PM »   

I  am feeling a sense of Large Scale Withdrawal--is there anything for ua to  "Anticipate" at thje big NMRA Train Show in Sacramento next week?

I haven't even noticed the lobbying for particular models  we used to see here!   gj


I would like to lobby for a 1:20.3 Baldwin 6 8 1/3 C class drawing 10.

What loco is that?

It is the Olomana with the saddle tank removed and a rear tank installed as per the Ward Kimball conversion of his 6 8 1/3 C class drawing 4 locomotive to a drawing 10 locomotive which he then named Chloe.

This 0-4-2 C class drawing 10 locomotive, built in the 1:20.3 scale, would compliment the return production of the 1:22.5 scale Industrial loco which we all refer to as Indy.

In addition, a 2-4-4 version of this C class drawing 10 locomotive, with a longer coal/wood bin, would also be an excellent product.

Brass steam cylinders and steam domes with the Russia Iron grey boiler and Baldwin No. One pinstriping would be a "must buy" for myself.

These 0-4-2 and 2-4-4 C class 1:20.3 scale model locomotives would appeal to the 1:24, 1:22.5 and 1:20.3 hobbyists thereby providing a broad sales market.

Personally, I have not bought any Bachmann locos since the release of the 1:20.3 American 4-4-0. This loco is of a size which can be of interest to also the 1:22.5 and 1:24 scale hobbyists. The "Eureka& Paisade" and the "brown Russia Iron boiler" with brass cylinder and brass steam dome finish are outstanding models.

I have moved onto other large scale mfgs for subsequent loco purchases, which is great for the competition, but this really is not the intention of Bachmann trains!

I guess Bachmann wishes to focus on logging locomotives.

Maybe Bachmann should broaden its market appeal of future 1:20.3 locos, useable also in 1:22.5 and 1:22.4 scales, that are of interest for both logging and  freight / passenger operations such as the 0-4-2  and 2-4-4 C class drawing 10 locomotives which were used for all of these three types of railroad operations.


Title: Re: Lobbying for a multi scale appropriate loco as a response to Glen's comment.
Post by: glennk28 on July 05, 2011, 08:33:36 PM
good idea--but doesn't LGB make that one already? 