Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => HO => Topic started by: jsdranger on August 03, 2011, 09:55:23 PM

Title: value of rock island 2119
Post by: jsdranger on August 03, 2011, 09:55:23 PM
can anyone tell me the value of the rock island 2119 train 2-8-0 loco.  it has DCC already installed and runs perfectly.

I have seen online prices ranging from 120-190 but i am looking for a realistic price.  does it fall in between those 2 numbers or does it fall in the higher range or lower range.

what would you buy it for if i was to sell it to you?

Title: Re: value of rock island 2119
Post by: ryeguyisme on August 03, 2011, 10:13:56 PM
depends really, these engines were mass produced by bachmann for a number of years and there's alot of them out there I've picked my spectrum one up for roughly $30 but thats because no one else bid on the train set it was in(my luck)

normally i'd see these going anywhere between $50 and $70(brand new) the value depreciates over time as newer thing comes out just like the original bachmann plus 2-8-0's used to be around $100 each now you can easily pick one up for $15-20

if you're trying to make money on one my biggest suggestion as an experienced buyer/seller is sell it in the winter time, there's more demand then
Title: Re: value of rock island 2119
Post by: MilwaukeeRoadfan261 on August 04, 2011, 09:12:13 AM
I got one a little over 3 years ago. So I have a feeling that was when the Rock Island 2119, which is the one I have, was a new model but I am not sure. But I got it from hobby town, 3 years ago, for about $120.
Title: Re: value of rock island 2119
Post by: ACY on August 04, 2011, 10:56:10 AM
Since you have ran it, it probably is not completely mint, so I would say about $30-$40, if it is mint then about $40-$50.