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Discussion Boards => HO => Topic started by: union pacific 844 on September 25, 2012, 12:49:44 AM

Title: decals?
Post by: union pacific 844 on September 25, 2012, 12:49:44 AM
hi how do i use decals? this is my first time using decals   
Title: Re: decals?
Post by: sd24b on September 25, 2012, 04:01:11 AM
Quote from: union pacific 844 on September 25, 2012, 12:49:44 AM
hi how do i use decals? this is my first time using decals      I like to use clean warm water in a shallow bowl.  Some suggest distilled water.  then follow the instructions.  Your surface should be clean.  Decals adhere to a gloss or semi-gloss finish.  I would also suggest you use MicroSol and Microset to assist the decals to settle down and adhere to your model. 
Title: Re: decals?
Post by: jonathan on September 25, 2012, 07:35:30 AM
Decals usually come with instructions, as stated.

For tools, I like to use a cross-hatch tweezers, a toothpick and straight pin.

Once the decals are applied, let them dry.  Then use the straight pin to poke holes in any bubbles you find.  A magnifying glass will help.  Then apply a coat of Microsol to the decals.  They may wrinkle a bit while the decals set.  Don't touch 'em!  They will dry flat.

I repeat the pin prick and Microsol process one more time.  Once dried, add a shot of dullcote.


Title: Re: decals?
Post by: CNE Runner on September 25, 2012, 12:02:13 PM
Adding to Jonathan's post:

I like to begin the process by spraying some Krylon Clear onto the car sides. This allows the decal to slide easier without damage as well as 'snugging' into any nooks and crannies. [Can you tell we had English muffins this morning?] I allow the Clear coat to dry overnight...although this is probably overkill. I apply the decal as per Jonathan's post, and allow an overnight drying period - after the second application of Microsol. Following the aforementioned drying period, the car side is lightly sprayed with Dullcote (which serves to seal and protect the decal). After another overnight drying period, the car can be weathered in the usual manner if desired.

Title: Re: decals?
Post by: union pacific 844 on September 25, 2012, 01:01:20 PM
ok is it  the some on a steam engine?
Title: Re: decals?
Post by: Doneldon on September 25, 2012, 02:42:20 PM

Yes. The technique is the same regardless of what you are applying the decal to or what material you are using. To summarize: 1.) apply a gloss coat to the item to be decalled; 2.) wet the decal (distilled water is best, especially if you have very hard water or softened water) and apply it to the correct location; 3.) apply a Microsol sort of product and pop any bubbles with a tiny pin prick; 4.) apply another coat of Microsol and pop any remaining bubbles (this step can often be skipped if the decal is okay at this point); 5.) apply a protective dull final coat. Be sure to let your liquids dry completely before going on to the next step.
                                                                                                                                       -- D
Title: Re: decals?
Post by: jward on September 28, 2012, 11:22:25 AM
also for decal work, be very careful when moving the decal into position, especially with larger decals.

and, if you are right handed, always work from left to right.     there is nothing more frustrating than destroying a decal you've carefully aligned, because you accidentally bumped it while applying another decal elsewhere on the model.

last, only work on one side at a time.     let everything completely dry before you attempt the other side.
Title: Re: decals?
Post by: beampaul7 on September 28, 2012, 11:47:33 PM
J Ward, welcome to my left handed world. :'( >:( :D ;D

Paul G