Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => Large => Topic started by: Jose Morais on March 11, 2013, 11:53:39 AM

Title: Articulated Porter 2-4-4-0
Post by: Jose Morais on March 11, 2013, 11:53:39 AM
The Caminho de Ferro da Lapa Furada (Pierced Rock RR) was a Portuguese narrow gauge mining railroad, established in 1905. Originally operated by a US mining concern and equipped mainly with American equipment, the mine and the railroad were taken over by the Portuguese government in 1933, after the American enterprise went belly up during the Great Depression. Over time, the railroad equipment was slowly "europeised", but their American origins remained evident right up to the closure of the line in the late sixties.

The rugged countryside imposed steep gradients and tight curves. To tackle these difficulties, the CFLF ordered two small, lightweight, articulated engines from Porter, both 2+4+4+0's. In each locomotive both sets of cylinders were supplied with high pressure steam, so they were not technically Mallets, tough their architecture was similar.  

--- This is part of the fictional story behind my currently under construction garden railroad ---

The model version of the CFLF has ordered two Bachmann 0-4-0 from Trainworld and will try to reproduce one of these articulated Porters. I attach a preview of what I'll try to achieve.
Title: Re: Articulated Porter 2-4-4-0
Post by: Joe Satnik on March 11, 2013, 01:26:10 PM
Dear Jose,

Great story and picture. 


Keep us informed of your progress. 


Joe Satnik
Title: Re: Articulated Porter 2-4-4-0
Post by: Skarloey Railway on March 12, 2013, 01:13:43 PM
It looks pretty, but under-powered. Your boiler/firebox is providing steam for twice the number of cyclinders but with no apparent increase in diameter or grate area.
Title: Re: Articulated Porter 2-4-4-0
Post by: smcgill on March 12, 2013, 02:03:16 PM
Great pic!

Will love to see this when done!