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Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: kearley_1999 on December 04, 2013, 06:21:39 PM

Title: train won't choo choo
Post by: kearley_1999 on December 04, 2013, 06:21:39 PM
My Christmas train is up and running but it won't make the train sound.  We have tried everything.  Is there something simple we are missing.  We put the 9 V in the coal car and turned the switch   How often does it make sound?
Title: Re: train won't choo choo
Post by: Jerrys HO on December 04, 2013, 06:46:29 PM

There are 2 switches for the sound one is at the rear of the loco's cab. There is also a second one under the tender which if you turn it clockwise you can adjust the volume.

Title: Re: train won't choo choo
Post by: Loco Bill Canelos on December 05, 2013, 10:01:19 AM
One thing I have learned is that sometimes supposedly new batteries are sometimes bad or not that great.  You might want to double check the battery or try a new one that is for sure fresh.  Sometimes folks put the battery in the wrong way. If you know the battery good, try reversing it in the slot and make sure the door is fully closed.

Title: Re: train won't choo choo
Post by: mabloodhound on December 05, 2013, 10:21:37 AM
You can't turn a 9V battery around!   And it's a good thing 'cause it might blow the circuitry.
I bet it's one of those switches or volume control.
Title: Re: train won't choo choo
Post by: Loco Bill Canelos on December 05, 2013, 04:01:06 PM
I assure you, you can install the 9v Battery the wrong way in the Bachmann Tender, I have seen it many times.  There is usually a little paper tag on the battery compartment door that shows which way it should go in marked + & -.  You can easily put the battery in with the polarity reversed.  In the case of the tender, putting the battery the wrong way does not hurt the circuit.   I have found that the battery was the problem in over 75  % of those brought to me for repair, after that not correctly setting the switches and volume control is next, after that the problem is sometimes but not often the chuff sensor. 

Here is a link to the instructions:

Check out page 12 it specifically states to put the battery in "as indicated on the compartment cover"  The instructions for the switches is also there, but Jerrys info is correct and there are pictures in the instructions.

Hope you get it going!

Loco Bill