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Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chris804 on December 25, 2014, 09:34:18 AM

Title: Power supply
Post by: Chris804 on December 25, 2014, 09:34:18 AM
I'm new to the train world I have 2 ho train sets. My question is can I run them on the same track with the power supply they come with doesn't give them much speed. Do I need a bigger power pack? Which one? Or is it not possible to run them both on the same track? I'm using easy track. Thanks for your help
Title: Re: Power supply
Post by: Jerrys HO on December 25, 2014, 09:38:27 AM
DC or DCC? either way it can be done. With DC you will have to constantly monitor the trains so they don't ram each other unless you are using block control, DCC you can control each train separately from one another.
Running two loco's will not draw enough to stall the engine.
Title: Re: Power supply
Post by: Chris804 on December 25, 2014, 11:50:15 AM
I think it's dc. It's the standard controller that came with the train set. I tried to locos but didn't seem like it had enough power. 
Title: Re: Power supply
Post by: JerryB on December 25, 2014, 01:16:20 PM
Since you use the word 'sets,' I assume the power supplies are the ones that came with the sets. Set power supplies are designed and built to keep the cost as low as possible. They are only capable of putting out the minimum amount of power required to run the items (usually only a single engine) that are included in the set.

If you are able to run each engine separately at normal speeds, but they slow down when both on the same track, then yes, you are probably overloading the supply.

Also, these simple power supplies are equipped with a thermal overload. Frequently if these thermal overloads are tripped, they will trip at even lower current in the future. Drawing too much current (as in running two engines from a supply designed to run only one engine) will eventually trip the overload. Repeated overload trips can render the power supply useless.

There are wiring techniques that allow the use of two power supplies running individual sections of your railroad, but these are not really useful on a simple small oval. Take a look at the NMRA online stuff for more information.

And as Jerrys HO wrote above, if you run both trains on the same track / power supply, you would need to constantly monitor where they are, with no way to separate them except to remove one from the track.

Happy RRing,
