Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => N => Topic started by: PRRThomas11 on December 14, 2007, 11:55:09 PM

Title: Ballast
Post by: PRRThomas11 on December 14, 2007, 11:55:09 PM
I'm currently putting the ballast down on my layout. This is my first time and its been driving me crazy. I'm using Woodland Scenics fine ballast (n scale layout) and the WS method, drop "wet-water" on it so it doesn't clump and spray with "scenic cement". Apparently it doesn't work too well for me. Could anyone give me some pointers on the best way to do this and/or you're way of doing it? Thanks so much for you're help. ;)
Title: Re: Ballast
Post by: RivianWarder on December 15, 2007, 12:17:13 AM
i tried to use the "spray bottle" method and that didn't work so well so i took a baby eye dropper and drop by drop put the "glue and water mix on the balast.... worked really good....
Title: Re: Ballast
Post by: Franz T on December 15, 2007, 08:25:38 AM
What works best for me  after I have spread out and dressed the ballast is to take a spray bottle (an old manual hairspray pump bottle works graet-or you can buy an empty spray bottle at WalylWorld for 97 cents) and fill it with water and just a bit of 93% isopropyl alcohol. Then, carefully STARTING AT A GOOD DISTANCE, begin to wet the ballast. As the ballast gets moist, you can get closer with the spray, but if you start too close you will blow loose ballast all over the place (which will now want to clump together as you frantically try to re-arrange it - don't ask me how I know this ;D ;D) After the ballast is thoroughly wetted, I take an old small Elmer's Glue bottle and fill it with a 50/50 mixture of white glue and water and I add a little bit of alcohol. (the is no need to be precise with this mixture, BTW) The I flow the mixture on the ballast, starting between the rails. BE VERY CAREFUL AROUND SWITCH POINTS, but otherwise, the more the better. I usually end up with a glue/water mixture almost to the top of the rails (don't worry, it will soak in.) Also soak the shoulders. You can fix  misplaced or disturbed ballast by replacing it wth DRY ballast and than spraying the area with the water/alcohol mix. Wait about 12 hours for the whole thing to dry.
In regard to Scenic Cement: You can get the same thing by going to any artist supply place and asking for "Matte Medium", which is an acrylic paint thinner. A whole lot cheaper, BTW, especially if you buy online. (just google "matte medium"..) Dilute 50/50 and you have "Scenic Cement"; which I use primarily for fastening down scenery..


Franz T
Title: Re: Ballast
Post by: PRRThomas11 on January 01, 2008, 06:07:09 PM
Thanks for your help guys. Sorry, I put this up then forgot about it and I'm a little late.
Title: Re: Ballast
Post by: Guilford Guy on January 01, 2008, 11:27:20 PM
You could also buy real rock ballast. I believe WS Ballast is made of crushed walnut shells and therefor are buoyant. I agree with the alcohol suggestion. On my friends layout we used an eyedropper to apply alcohol and then followed it up with another eyedropper of 50/50 white glue and water with a little bit of dish detergent.
You can see the dirt ballasting and gravel ballasting in the photo.