Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: JRS on December 15, 2007, 08:30:26 AM

Title: Coupler standardization
Post by: JRS on December 15, 2007, 08:30:26 AM
I pulled out an old (35 years?) Tyco HO train set to put under the Chrismast tree.  The engine has seen better days and is very noisy and very slow.  (I spent several hours cleaning everything to no avail)  I noticed the local Hobby Shop carries Bachmann engines so I was going to purchase a new one.  My question is, will the coupler on the new engine match up with the TYCO cars?  There is nothing wrong with the cars.  Thanks. 
Title: Re: Coupler standardization
Post by: Woody Elmore on December 15, 2007, 09:06:16 AM
I think you will find that your old Tyco train set has the X2f coupler that looks something like a can opener! Your new Bachmann engine will have knuckle couplers.

There are lots of solutions but the easiest thing may be for you to get a new Bachmann set. The track is nicer and you'll be able to add on cars from any HO maker that has knuckle couplers.
Title: Re: Coupler standardization
Post by: kevin2083 on December 15, 2007, 09:11:35 AM
Since you're going to a hobby shop, you might as well pick up some knuckle couplers. You don't have to change all the couplers- you can have a 'transition car' with a knuckle coupler on one end and a horn-hook coupler on the other. this way you can run cars with both types of couplers. newer cars can go between the locomotive and the transition car.

hope this helps, and Merry Christmas!
Title: Re: Coupler standardization
Post by: JRS on December 15, 2007, 09:18:04 AM
thanks, but I've already set up some Bachmann track that I purchased the other day.  The idea was just to provide a train for under the Chrismas tree.  (The TYCO track was nailed to a piece of plywood years ago and I have no idea where that is)  I've spent hours cleaning the motor (plastic safe contact cleaner), but it still runs slow and you have to gently push it to get it rolling. (It actually sounds like a bunch of rocks rolling around in there) You are correct about the TYCO couplers, they look like can openers.  Maybe I'll work on the TYCO engine some more.  Is there a jury-rigged way to make the Bachmann engine work with the TYCO cars?  
Title: Re: Coupler standardization
Post by: JRS on December 15, 2007, 09:20:12 AM
oops, looks like I got a reply while I was typing my last question.  I like the idea of a transition car.  thanks. 
Title: Re: Coupler standardization
Post by: GlennW on December 15, 2007, 04:31:17 PM
Your LHS may have some old cars to use as transition cars. Old Bachmann or LL may be a good choice. You could also find some old Athearn or Roundhouse kits. About 10yrs ago, most cars came with horn-hook or  standard couplers, then Kadees were an extra purchase. You may also find some converted cars in swap meets. Watch in your area for any garage or estate sales if they carry any MR items.
Title: Re: Coupler standardization
Post by: Woody Elmore on December 15, 2007, 09:46:19 PM
Glenn's reply is really good. If you can find an old Athearn unassembled kit you would only need one knuckle coupler. The Athearn cars had a sheet metal stamped coupler retainer that made changing couplers easy. You couple the knuckle coupler end to the to the engine and the rest of the cars will couple to the other end.

By the way, there are several suppliers of knuckle couplers out there and they all work well but old fudds like myself will only use Kadee couplers.

You will find that if you buy one or two new freight cars, they will probably make your Tyco cars look very toylike.

In any case good luck with the trains and welcome back to the world's best hobby.