Bachmann Online Forum

Discussion Boards => On30 => Topic started by: JohnR on December 02, 2008, 01:59:17 PM

Title: Hobo's eye view.
Post by: JohnR on December 02, 2008, 01:59:17 PM
Mr Bach-man -

Back in January, we met at the WGH show in Sacramento.  Our module group just finished our last show for this calendar year.  Rather than fix fussy rail joiners or clean track on the morning of the last day, we wedged a pocket camera on the back of a flat car and sent it down the line. 

Here's a link to the results.

Apart from camera clearance issues, this is a continuous shot - 1.2 scale miles start to finish.


Title: Re: Hobo's eye view.
Post by: the Bach-man on December 03, 2008, 12:44:05 AM
There were giants in the Earth in those days...
Thanks, John!
the Bach-man
Title: Re: Hobo's eye view.
Post by: Santa Fe buff on December 07, 2008, 07:44:17 PM
Nice video, I like the way it was like you were "aboard" the train as a Hobo... How about this kind of camera, this is perfect for those kind of problems:

CCS-811T1 - Wireless Train Camera - Single Camera 2.4gHz System with Sound

The website is Factory Direct Trains. I think there is this special code for pricing: day1

I don't really shop anywhere on the Internet, so I don't mind sharing stuff. I got that code through the e-newsletter. I subscribe to a bunch so I'm never left in the dark when news about companies and products come about.

Awesome video, and I think those were friendly giants, but you don't see them today anymore! ;)
