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Discussion Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: BestSnowman on July 01, 2009, 06:42:00 PM

Title: Model Rail Pictures
Post by: BestSnowman on July 01, 2009, 06:42:00 PM
My 3 year old son has been running around with my wife's camera taking pictures of my layout, as he is only three there are a ton of pictures of the carpet, wall, and ceiling.

But he has taken some pretty good pictures, I've uploaded them here:

As a note the pictures in this album are all taken by him, all I have done is straighten pictures (thats why the datestamp from the camera is sometimes crooked) and remove artifacts like fingers. Also the guy at the computer is me sorting through his first batch of photos.
Title: Re: Model Rail Pictures
Post by: CNE Runner on July 01, 2009, 06:51:47 PM
BestSnowman - It is pretty sad when a child can take better pictures than I. It looks like you son has considerable talent in the arts.

Thanks for sharing his [early] work,

Title: Re: Model Rail Pictures
Post by: BestSnowman on July 01, 2009, 07:57:49 PM
I think most of its luck, but I like some of his pictures than mine. Maybe it helps that he has a much lower perspective.
Title: Re: Model Rail Pictures
Post by: RAM on July 01, 2009, 11:54:23 PM
Man, I thought you son really knows how to pick models, until I saw it was Victoria's Secret ad.
Title: Re: Model Rail Pictures
Post by: jward on July 03, 2009, 01:08:16 PM
i let my son use my camera during railfest with similar results. gotta love digital photography. with a film camera i'd have been worrying about wasting film. now i just give him the camera and let him fire away.
Title: Re: Model Rail Pictures
Post by: Santa Fe buff on July 03, 2009, 05:23:22 PM
Same thing with me and Ryan, except we always take videos of trains. We take pictures, but not as often. You should show Luke the next Model Railroader magazine. Next month's is about taking professional pictures, I know I'm going to read that article, for now, I'm working on August's issue.

Luke certainly has a niche for picture taking... You guy's every consider railfanning the nearby tracks? :)

Title: Re: Model Rail Pictures
Post by: BestSnowman on July 03, 2009, 07:13:49 PM
I need to find somewhere I can take him to look at trains without trespassing when I know there'll be trains there.