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Messages - bigjoe11a

HO / Re: Just doesn't work any more ?
February 09, 2014, 04:16:31 PM
Your forgetting some thing. The track and every thing was apart. I had nothing working until about a month ago when I setup the track and got it up and running. I just didn't think to check the batteries. lol

Thanks Jerry. and Hi! Don, How's it going,

HO / Re: Just doesn't work any more ?
February 09, 2014, 02:57:09 PM
Jerry, Thank you. I never would have thought of it. Didn't think it would have been the batteries. Jerry I didn't think that I have not replaced the batteries sense last year. Yes I have a 2nd engine and both of them work. I guess I'm just getting old. I turn 55 years old this May, 4th.

Jerry thanks again.

When I get some of the trees and building put in, I'll post a photo.
HO / Just doesn't work any more ?
February 09, 2014, 12:24:33 PM
As some of you know I just completed my layout and I put the track back together and I cleaned my track from all the work I have done. and well now the problem is I can't get the engine to go. I thought about cleaning the wheels on the engine, How ever the wheels are locked from the motors.  If I play with the wheels on the engine. I can here the motor running some times and then again I still can't get the engine to go. I'm using Backmann EZ Track with a Dynamis Wireless system. When I plus the power in for the wireless and turn on the Control and push the knob up. The train should go. Right, Wrong. It only seems to go when it wants too. and most of the time it never goes. I paid all this money out and for what, NOTHING.

Guys, I was hoping maybe some one would have an idea or two. There has to be a simple reason why the engine doesn't want to go.

Joe M
HO / Re: Layouts and tracks
January 23, 2014, 05:19:54 PM
I been working on this for over a year now. and with the help from a lot of users on this form. I don't think I would have made it. Thanks to every one on this forum for your help and support.

Thanks for the kind words electrical whiz kid

Joe M
HO / Re: Layouts and tracks
January 23, 2014, 04:35:13 AM
Quote from: Morgun 30 on January 22, 2014, 09:19:09 PM
Jward and I did help Joe with his lay out because we both had anyrail. It was Jeff's plan that Joe used. ( at least that's how I think it ended up)  However, I didn't give any help with landscaping.

As soon as I can get my batteries changed up in my camera. I'll have to post some photo's it came all real good too. It's just I have this small problem, and I don't know what to do about it.

SO I'll try the other users idea and see what happens.
HO / Re: Layouts and tracks
January 22, 2014, 06:02:17 PM
Quote from: shleds on January 22, 2014, 04:01:41 PM
I am confused, did you do your track layout before you built the scenery, or not? Although I understand you might have put a lot of money into it, I am not sure what step you did first? Also, pictures would be nice to understand the gravity of the situation.

Ah, no. The track layout was change 10 times. Because the track didn't work. This guy on this forum helped me with it last year. Now that I have the track right. And that 2 trains run on it. I started on the layout, I been working on it sense last summer. I just got the last part laid down a bout 3 weeks a go and just completed the track about 1 week ago. When I tested the train. Is when I saw it derail. And that's why. The track wasn't level so it derailed.

Like the guy from an earlier post said I should use gravel or some thing to fill on areas that won't let the track lay flat. The idea is sound. And it looks like a good idea. So I'll be working on it this weekend
HO / Re: Layouts and tracks
January 22, 2014, 03:35:16 PM
Yes it does, I mean NO. Your talking about spending a lot of money for me to do the layout all over again. There's no way of saying it any other way. Sorry.
HO / Re: Layouts and tracks
January 22, 2014, 12:32:05 PM
Quote from: AGSB on January 22, 2014, 11:20:19 AM
Are you saying that you did all your scenery and are now trying to lay track on it? This is backwards to accepted procedure. You lay track and form scenery around it. May be time to start over.

Are you nuts, I can't. I have over $1200 in my layout all ready. I would have to throw out over a $1000.

HO / Re: Layouts and tracks
January 22, 2014, 05:16:02 AM
Ok, Don sorry your not under standing, I'll try and explain one more time.

The last 6 months I been working on the layout adding plaster cloth. The plaster cloth I added to the layout. has made the area when the track lays at uneven. When the train runs over the uneven areas. It derails.

Even if I sent photo's. I don't think it would show a clear picture of what I'm talking about.

The other guy is right. I will have to come up with an idea to fill in the uneven areas with gravel or some thing. To keep the rails even.
HO / Re: Layouts and tracks
January 21, 2014, 11:29:29 PM
Hi! Don, Long time, Any way, The level of the track on the layout. I used plaster cloth to make my layout. Now after completing the layout. The track is not level with the layout. Like the other guy said. That I should just fill in the space with some thing to make the track level with the layout.

HO / Re: Layouts and tracks
January 21, 2014, 02:46:11 PM
Yes, I did use risers. That does sound like an idea. I'm just trying to come up with an idea on how to full in spots.
HO / Layouts and tracks
January 21, 2014, 11:11:49 AM

Just a note, I was registered here before. and when I tried to log in again my account was gone, I know it's been a while sense I logged in, How ever it shouldn't have deleted my account.

On with my question. I just spent the last 6 months working on the layout and wanted to get train back on the track again. I just put every thing back together and well the track is not level. So am I missing some thing. I used the plaster cloth on my layout. That took 16 rolls. So how do I get the track level with the layout. All I get is derail after derail.

Joe M