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Messages - jayct7

HO / Re: No 6 Crossover Problem
July 15, 2008, 12:14:55 PM
Hi Jim,

Your first assumption is correct.  And yes the loops are parallel, my mistake.  I have my EZ commander connected to the outer track only.  I dont see how it would be possible to hook up the inner track seperately as well.  Why and how would I do this with the EZ commander?

I had called Bach service earlier and they suggested replacing the crossover with a new one.
HO / No 6 Crossover Problem
July 14, 2008, 09:28:20 PM
I'm brand new to model railroading.  I have the Digital Commander Center train set with the 2 Santa Fe locos plus extra track and also the No 6 Crossover.  My Crossover is not DCC.  I have in inner and outer loop in my setup. 

My trains run fine over the No 6 Crossover if running straight across.  If a train tries to cross diagonally between the perpendicular tracks....all trains stop, the controller starts blinking, and i get clicking sounds from the controller.  What is happening here?  How can I fix this?  What difference would a DCC Crossover make?  Do I need to return it to the store? ???

Please keep in mind that I don't know railroad lingo and dont even know what a frog is.  I appreciate your help.  I do know that I dont have any reverse loops running.