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HO / RS3 running erratically
December 18, 2018, 02:22:20 PM
I just received a warranty replacement RS3 and put it on the layout to test it out.  When applying the throttle it will lurch forward about a foot, short out the DCC system, reboot, lurch forward another foot or so and repeat the same issue.  I do not have issues with any of my track or other locos and it is definitely shorting out as all my sound locos go silent for about 5 seconds while the RS3 gathers itself up to come back to life and run another foot.  This repeats again even after setting CV8 to 8 to reset the module.
I am hesitant to tell Service that I am having a problem with this one as it took a bit to get the first one looked at and exchanged.  Different issues with that one, no lights and extreme motor noise when it did run.
I checked the power pick-ups on the wheels and they all seem to be OK, making good contact. I used another Bachmann module and got the same issues.  I am suspecting that the motor has an issue but if either the Bach Mann give me some ideas or should I just contact the Service Department?