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Topics - 2ManyHobbies

HO / 2-6-0 troubleshooting
May 14, 2021, 11:57:23 PM
I was adding weights to my 2-6-0 and metal wheels/axles for my cars today to see if I could get it to climb better. Towards the end, the engine just refuses to move now. All the DCC functions work for the most part (light won't turn on but I think it has been that way for awhile) so I know the address is working. Tried removing the last weight and didn't make a change. Tried a different section of track, nada. Cycled power to the DCC controller twice (once with the switch, again with with unplugging it), nothing.


  • Tested train with no weight
  • Added weight up front, made improvement but caused nose to drag
  • Added weight to rear of engine, made more improvement
  • Replaced plastic axles with Bachmann metal axles. Seemed to add drag (cars did not roll as good). Ran engine for a few minutes with cars to see if the new axles needed "break in" cycle
  • Added additional weight to rear of the engine. Engine no longer moves but still has sounds.

I have read that the plastic gears can break inside but I'm unsure how to take this darn thing apart to see what is inside. There are 3 screws midway on the bottom of the engine, another screw up front for the two front wheels, and 3 in the back of the engine for the tender connection wire and coupler. I see nothing on top as far as how to remove the top of the engine. I have removed the tender connection multiple times to gain better access to the rear of the engine.

Before I start removing stuff, I was hoping someone has a guide of some sort showing how this comes apart. Online wasn't a whole bunch of  help as it seems videos show trains with screws in places I don't have screws.
HO / Girder walls for EZ track
May 07, 2021, 09:57:12 AM
I was wondering if anyone sales girder walls for EZ track to make an ... EZ bridge. I bought one of the 9" bridges which works fine. Though rather than buy extra track pieces (which this essentially is), I'd like to figure out how to use the EZ track I got and make it into a bridge. I did a search last night and got a bunch of girder bridge results, not the walls. I appreciate the help.
HO / Stacking track
April 13, 2021, 10:17:45 AM
Is it possible to stack track one above another? I'm not married to my proposed layout but it is darn cool idea if it works (in my opinion). Practical in no sense of the word, no chance of this being a real scenario, but cool. I believe I know the answer but wanted to check.

Reason I ask is because Bachmann piers will block the track as will Atlas piers. If it matters, the track is for a streetcar or a trolley.
HO / Non-Bachmann bridges
April 09, 2021, 02:38:10 PM
New guy. New to the forum, new to model trains. If this is a silly question, go easy on me as I'm still learning.

I have been eyeballing this for my setup. Though I'm concerned about if it will work or not for what I'm doing. My first attempt will be using the E-Z track to go across the bridge.

  • Support for the bridge will be on both sides and in the middle. Not sure what will work so likely this will be improvised.
  • Slide 36" of E-Z track through the bridge and lie it on top. Connect the 36" of E-Z track to the rest of my track. The track will not be mechanically mounted on the bridge
  • Use the Bachmann 14 pier system to create a grade to and from the bridge.

After measuring the E-Z track width, I'm thinking this should easily slide through and lay on the bridge bed. The bridge should give middle support to the E-Z Track while the piers will support the ends of the track. Being 28 1/4" long, the track will peek past the bridge by about 3 7/8" on each side. Will this work fine or is there more I need to consider?