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Topics - UP Railroader

HO / Power House??
April 15, 2008, 02:21:27 PM
Good evening all,
I am a new commer to the art of Model Railroading and I was wondering How you all power your trainsets. I was wondering if i would need to buy a genorator to power my up comming Layout( 6x10 with a 2 foot cut out Hemisphere). I already know that i will have a lot of track running in and out of every nook and cranny. I plan on being able to lower it from my celing. let me know if i need to be more specific.
Please shed light on the subject?!?
many Thanks,
UP Railroader
HO / Turntable & Round House Selection
April 14, 2008, 10:41:05 AM
I was wondering Wether i should go and get The Wathers 90', or 130' or something else. As for round houses I would like some direction on where to buy and what to buy, it doesn't help that i am new on the subject of Model Rialroading. Any help will be apreciated.
UP Railroader