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Topics - fzorn

N / trouble with wiring remote turnouts
October 09, 2010, 04:23:53 PM
I'm an n-scale novice.  I have set up a layout for my son that allows for the train to reverse direction when some of the turnouts are thown.  Good in theory.  When any of the turnouts are thrown, the track loses power.  To isolate the power issue, I disconnected the track so that I only have power to a section of track that contains one turnout.  When the locomotive is between the "power" track and the turnout, power is fine, no matter which way the turnout is set.  Once the train goes past the turnout, and I throw the turnout to go the other way, I lose power.  Anyone have any suggestions?
N / Connector track question
August 31, 2010, 05:51:50 PM
I am setting up a model railroad for my son.  We currently have two connector tracks (rerailers).  The one that came with his initial set has a flat plastic plug which connects into the track on one end and a round single plug in to the power supply on the other.  The 2nd connector track we bought from a local retailer and has the flat connector for the track on one end, but the other end is a metal "U".  I am interested in connecting one connector track to the other.  I have not found any wiring that has the two plastic connectors to connect both ends to the track.  In fact, I can't even find the wiring sold separately from the track, so that I might splice it.  Suggestions?