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Topics - nolander

HO / DCC Address for DCC Onboard HO#4 turnouts
June 17, 2013, 04:21:50 PM

I am trying to figure out the three byte address for DCC decoders that are used in EZ Track HO #4 switch with DCC on board (part No: H4557B-2).

Following the standards set by the NMRA I have not been able to get your DCC on board turnout switches to work with an in-house command center that is currently being built. This in house command center IS able to control DCC Trains using the NMRA standard for train addresses at the moment.
I connected the EZ Command Center to an oscilloscope and was lucky enough to capture part of the transmission for a switch operation.
The first obvious difference is Zero Stretching. Does there need to be a specific pulse duration for zeros to power the track switch?
My other observation was the transmission did not quite match what is given in the NMRA standard for basic accessories. Does the DCC Track switch use a multi decoder instead of the basic accessory decoder? Or do you have some in house proprietary address for the DCC turnouts?

According the NMRA standard, DCC addresses for accessories like turnouts should be [preamble]  address_byte   data_byte   error_byte with Address_Byte = 10AAAAAA, Data_Byte = 1AAACDDD, and Error_Byte is the logical XOR of the Address and Data.

It would be wonderful if you could advise me on your DCC onboard turnouts. I unfortunately have not had success in finding much documentation on this issue at hand

