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Messages - Mike

General Discussion / Re: WHy so wide?
April 26, 2008, 09:10:27 AM
Thanks, Rocknblues. I appreciate the efforts.It was no big deal to me in the first place. I just wanted to know if I was doing something wrong.- Mike
General Discussion / Re: WHy so wide?
April 25, 2008, 07:26:59 PM
Internet Explorer on XP Pro.
General Discussion / WHy so wide?
April 25, 2008, 06:53:02 PM
Why is it that some of the posts are so wide? For example- whenever I try to read any of "rocknblues"'s posts in the "Pictures of my bluff" topic, I have to scroll across right and left to read it all. This is true of only some of the posts... but I have run into it in several various threads. Am I doing something wrong?.. or do I have some incorrect settings? For what it is worth, I have a wide screen laptop, but it seems to be the same on my laptop, my home computer, and the desktop at work. I'm hoping that some of you computer "whizzes" will give me some information/understanding here. Thanks- Mike
HO / Re: Engine steam Bachmann 2-10-0 (motor burned)
April 15, 2008, 07:16:10 PM
Rodrigo- Dice el Bachmann que va a mitar su pregunta al departmento de servicio. - Mike
The powered B unit should pull as much as the powered A unit... therefore you'll have twice as much power.- Mike
The quickest and cheapest move would be to purchase a powered F7 (A or B, either would work...same frame/chassis) and then change the shells. By the way, you ought to be able to get a new complete unit for a lot less $ than you paid for the "collectable" one.- Mike
Large / Re: battery power questions
April 05, 2008, 08:29:50 AM
Thanks, Kevin.- Mike
Large / battery power questions
April 04, 2008, 10:07:29 PM
Okay guys. All of this talk about battery power with wireless remote control has piqued my interest. I have a few questions:
How heavy can a battery be for one of these trains? I ask because I have a number of 12 VDC 7.0 amp. hr. batteries which were removed from a fire alarm system. But they weigh about five pounds each. Would that be too much for a 4-6-0 to pull in a trailing car?
If it's not too much weight, then how much would I have to expect to spend to get an RC unit going. I'm not at the point that I feel any need for sound, so if that's an extra cost, I'd be happy to go without it. Any input would be welcomed. Thanks in advance- Mike
General Discussion / Re: What exactly do I have?
April 04, 2008, 08:48:21 PM
It would help us to help you if we knew what scale you have. I suspect HO. If so, it is about 3/4" inch between the wheels. O would be about twice that size. N would be about half that. Let us know. - Mike
General Discussion / Re: Sad news
April 03, 2008, 08:17:20 AM
Funny, I always thought it was hydrogen hydroxide, since it tends to remain mostly ionized....
This is not an "absolute" answer, but several of the F7's had a problem with the lubrication drying up in the motors. Try removing the shell of the A unit. (remove the fuel tank and pull the two screws under it.) Then apply a small drop of PLASTIC COMPATIBLE oil to the bearing on each end of the motor. My F7's ran beautifully after lubrication (and much more quietly!), and they pull a complete train with no problem. For what it's worth, most Bachmann sets with A/B units have a powered A unit and a weighted non-powered dummy B unit. Pop off the fuel tank (same as above) and check for a motor. Since the wheels turn freely, my guess is it's a dummy B. Enjoy your trains!- Mike S.
HO / Re: acela ho couplers
March 07, 2008, 07:13:13 AM
Clear block- Contact service for the replacement couplers. The last time  I called, they had extras on hand. As for the Acela consist: two engines, one cafe car, one first class, three business class, and one end business class.- Mike
Large / Re: How many cars behind a 10-wheeler
March 06, 2008, 08:36:44 AM
Glen- Finally, someone else who agrees on the pulling power of the engine! I often double head similar engines and have yet to get enough cars behind them to make them stall. And that is on small radius curves and cars all of the way around a larger loop than in your video. VEry impressive!- Mike
General Discussion / Re: Passenger Brake Operation
March 04, 2008, 09:21:01 AM
For what it is worth, you couldn't "dump the air in just one car" unless you first blanked the angle cocks on both ends of the car. As soon as the air is dropped on any car (or engine, for that matter) all brakes apply ...that is, all brakes that are part of the continuously supplied system (ending ,of course, at the first blanked angle cock). And you can't get the air to come back up and the brakes to release until it's reset at the control stand of the controlling locomotive and enough air has been pumped back to release the affected brakes.- Mike
General Discussion / Re: I need an answer
March 01, 2008, 09:24:34 PM
CAr shop and engine shop... like Roanoke?