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Hi lesak1
Sounds interesting did you have any problems doing the shop that I should be aware of.
regards John
Hi SteamGene
thanks for the tips.
regards John
General Discussion / Re: Cardstock Structures
August 13, 2009, 11:31:45 PM
Hi Robertj668
Did not see that article are you sure it was August's MRR.
However it is vital that your craft knife blade is razor sharp at the first sign of bluntness get rid of it, otherwise you will end up with fuzzy edges that will spoil your model.
Your rule and set squares need to be steel so you have a straight edge to run your craft knife down while cutting the card.
If you are scratch building in card take the time to shelac your card parts to harden them up prior to assembly.
Make your own shelac using shelac flakes and industrial grade methylated spirit not the rubbish methylated spirit you get down the local hardware shop.
If you are building card Kits take the time to run a coloured texta pen down the edge of the parts so no white edges show.
Think about how much wood needs to go in to reinforce the structure and where card gussets will do.
Measure Three Times and Cut Once

For scratch building make sure you have enough layers of card per side to get a level of relief that you are happy with.
You will be amazed at what can be achieved with patience and a few sheets of good quality card.
Find an old timer who can show you a few neat tricks to get good results working in card.
I say this because I have seen card scratch built structures and passanger cars built by some one who had been at it for years and it took a while to convince my self that they where card
regards John
Hi Jim
I had thought of trying to produce My own fat controller.
I have not got the sculpting skills for that.
The figure would be 14mm to 16mm tall not counting his top hat and would
virtually have to be sculpted from scratch
regards John
General Discussion / Re: HO Wild West Cactus
August 12, 2009, 08:18:22 AM
Hi Paul
had some difficulty tracking down the cacti on woodland scenics web site
but yes that's them.
Would they be HO?? the figures they listed in scene-o-rama where quite large.
regards John
Hi Bach Man
Thanks for the information
To deal with one of those adult issues Sir Topem Hat is probably only about 4' tall not a 60' giant.
What is the propper channel to suggest that Bachmann make a set of scale
OO Thomas figures that includes a 4' high not including tophat height Sir Topem Hat and perhaps The thin controller as well in suitable static posses.
Plus enough other figures to make up a pack of six which seems to be the industry std pack.
The scale figures almost any one in HO or OO could use but the 60' tall one is really only usable by children and possably the large scale's
I for one would not mind Sir Topem Hat keeping a watchfull eye on my railway and as a scale figure, I don't think any one would notice but I would know he was there.
regards John
HO / Re: Electro and Insulfrog turnouts
August 11, 2009, 07:58:20 AM
Hi Bill
The difference has allready been explained well enough between insulfrog and electro frog
I have used Peco track for many years mostly insulfrog as that suited my style of layout I have used there set and flex track
It isn't cheap in Aus either the only other track I have used and found to be as good is flieschmann (spelling) but I don't have enough arms and legs to use flieschmann track.
I will not use anything other than Peco points I have yet to find any other brand as good at an affordable price
wonder will the LHS supply 1 Peco concrete sleeper length of track rather than a box.
A word of caution it might just be me using the wrong ground throw, but I have had problems with Caboose industries ground throws possably something to do with the point spring in Peco points.
any one got any ideas on this.
regards John
Hi Bach man
Had a quick look at the Sodor layout in the photo gallery.
How did you get the sand stone texture on the scenery and dinosaur bones in the quarry??.
Looking at the layout through adult eyes I have a few problems with it
But I really think the look on the children's faces is what its all about and makes it worth the big effort that went into it.
How big is the layout it doesn't look very big in the pictures or is this a visual trick played by the height of the layout??
regards John
Hi pdlethbridge
I thought that was the result of riding a motor bike not the advert
gimmick :)
regards John
General Discussion / Costume Store Figures & Building
August 10, 2009, 07:40:22 AM
Hi guys
I have a grim reaper left over from an HO figure set after using the scare crow, mermaid and angle statue on my main layout.
It has been suggested that the grim reaper is used in a costume hire shop.
First what other figures are available that could go in an HO shop display
one haloween figure just will not do US 1812 infantry man? Continental soldier ?? Father Christmas the Hog father??
What would be a good US outline building to use as a basis for the shop
possable multi use would be good will not have room for a big metropolis
Want to have a go at interior detailing so a kit is best I think.
Any thoughts.
regards John
General Discussion / Re: HO Wild West Cactus
August 10, 2009, 02:13:31 AM
Just had a thought on locos
would one of the Bachmann 2-6-0's or perhaps an 0-6-0 with Baldwin short stock tender again by Bachmann be OK
As the line only has five wagons and 0 coaches as yet I haven't seen an wild west coaches about for a while.
regards John
General Discussion / Re: HO Wild West Cactus
August 10, 2009, 01:46:21 AM
Hi jbsmith
I had not really thought that far ahead thanks for that piece of information.
I did however make one of those pancake stack hills (sorry don't know the proper name for them) about the same diameter as a single record or there abouts.
Originally made for war gaming.
If I can get a lighter sand colour than the Tamiya one to highlight it and make it look a bit better I wonder if I could use that on the railway since I don't play wargames any more.
Or where they only in a particular desert area like where ever the popular western movie filming place is.
regards John
General Discussion / Re: HO Wild West Cactus
August 08, 2009, 08:47:30 PM
Hi Ken & Paul
Will check out your suggestions
regards John
General Discussion / Re: HO Wild West Cactus
August 08, 2009, 08:45:48 PM
Hi mabloodhound
Only one problem with those from my perspective and that is no coupling on the front
Model Power and Life Like both do an old style loco same problem
need to be an ever so slightly later Loco me thinks without the big cow catcher.
regards John
General Discussion / HO Wild West Cactus
August 08, 2009, 07:59:10 AM
Hi all
Any body know of a manufacturer of HO cacti .
Particularly the ever recognisable western movie variety.
Failing that an article from the model press on how to make them.
If the Devil's Gulch and Helengon RR ever gets built it will need a fair few I would guess.
Don't blame me for the name its on the wagon kits
What shade of red should I paint Helengon  ;D and is Clint Eastwood available in HO (sorry could not resist last bit)
Don't know why I am thinking of Cacti, when I haven't any idea what steam loco should be used to haul the five wagon train.
regards John