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Messages - Paul W.

Large / Re: Turning a 10 wheeler into a Mogul
October 09, 2007, 09:36:03 PM
Nice job!!!!!
General Discussion / Re: House Cleaning
October 06, 2007, 08:11:40 AM
Hi Bill,
I use a variety of cleaning techniques. For some areas I use a small static duster. Others I use a can of compressed air. You can get this anywhere they sell computer items. There is no "one way" to clean  up your RR, and none of them are very fast, at least none I've found. I also get out paint brushes for tight areas. Pretty much I'll use anything soft that doesn't harm the layout.

Good luck!
Are you looking for custom decals? And what scale.
General Discussion / Re: Steam locomotives
September 04, 2007, 07:14:13 PM
Inder, welcome aboard!
This site is a wealth of knowledge. All of the previous posts have answered most of your questions. One question you asked is "how long does it take to bring the locomotive up to operating pressure". This is something that can be rushed, but a slow steadily increasing pressure is the way to go. I know at Strasburg PA, they take 24hrs to bring a locomotive from no fire up to operating pressure. That allows the metals to heat slowly and evenly vs rushing just to get enough pressure.

Welcome to this great hobby!
Large / Re: G scale shelf layout
August 19, 2007, 08:02:48 AM
The steps are 4" apart, with the 3/4" part of the strip facing the track. As for the width, that varies. The one side it's 12" wide, we have two tracks running, so that's wide enough for two trains to pass. The other side is wider as I put in a siding for a third train to sit on. It has insulators so it's not hot when the trains are running.  As for the corners, I just took the distance from the inner track to the wall corner and made it to fit. On one of these corners I have made a tunnel, and from underneath the train lights look really cool at night going through.
Large / Re: G scale shelf layout
August 18, 2007, 08:36:01 AM
I wanted to get creative with our overhead layout. I used strips of 3/4 x5/4 lumber to make up a ladder type system. I started with the two outside boards, then added the "ladder steps" in between. I used allthread going up through the support into the ceiling and attached with wood anchors. This system took longer to build, but it is quieter than a solid plank board, and when you stand underneath, you can watch the underside of the cars while they pass overhead. I have still added scenery, a tunnel, bridges and some building fronts.
I built the ladders in 6' sections to make it easier to hang.

Good luck!
Large / Re: Mining Locomotive 2-6-0
August 01, 2007, 10:28:58 PM
The 2-6-0 "Indy" has been out of production for several years now. Up till last year, several companies still had some in stock, now they are very difficult to find. They do show up on ebay from time to time as well as train shows where people know they can get some good money for them.
Happy hunting!
Large / Re: G-Scale Power
July 28, 2007, 07:56:46 AM
In our basement we have a two loop suspended layout using the Bachmann track. The outer loop is 54ft, the inner is 47ft. I am using the stock power packs that came with the starter sets. When we do the garden layout, I'll use a much bigger power source, but for the inside loops, the stock ones work fine.
Just add another pick up point on your layout and you will be fine.
Just a hint, pick up a track cleaning pad from San Val and put it under a caboose. Run this occasionally and you won't have any dirty track issues.
General Discussion / Re: Train shows?
July 16, 2007, 09:05:00 PM
I know this is late, but during the month of June, there are alot of NJ open houses on the garden RR tour.
If you are willing to travel to MD, Timmonium has multiple train shows each year with all guages of trains.

The only one I've been to is the one in Strasburg, PA. They've got a GG1 that I don't remeber seeing cause I was 4 but we got a picture so it's there.  I'd love to see the one in Baltimore.

Yes, the PA RR museum has a GG1, and if you do get a chance to see the B&O in Baltimore, it's definitly worth the trip!

They did a great job of rebuilding the roundhouse after the Presidents day snow storm that collasped the roof. Some of the engines are still waiting for repairs, but they are in the roundhouse so you can see the damage.
Quote from: BIG BEAR on July 13, 2007, 12:19:55 AM
1. Have you ever rode on a steam train? Yes

2. Where was your last steam train ride? Strasburg, PA

3. What year was your last steam train ride? 2007

4. Do you often "chase" steam trains for enjoyment or photo ops.? Yes

5. Bonus Q  What is your all time favorite steam train? this should be fun.
I love all steamers, but #1223 4-4-0 has a special place.

Large / Re: Annie
July 12, 2007, 08:32:39 PM
All 10 wheelers are NOT "Annies". The older starter sets do not have the Annie drive system in them, and all the siderods are plastic.
The starter sets still have the plastic parts, and yes the Annies have nice detailing and metal siderods. As for the drive system (and I may be wrong), I think the Annie drive system is now a part of the starter sets as well.
Others will chime in and respond
Large / Re: I need a part.
June 16, 2007, 01:34:43 PM
If you find more than one offered to you, please let me know as I need one as well.

This is a subject that brings ALOT of different views. For current flow you can't beat the conductivity of brass. Yes you will have to do regular track cleaning, but you will have no problem with carrying current.
Another question is, will you be running track power, battery, or live steam. If battery or live steam, it doesn't matter. You will also find standard guage and narrow guage track. The distance between the rails is the same, but the ties are different size to most resemble the RR you are modeling. I know lots of folks would never think of using brass with track power. Two of my very close friends run ONLY brass. One has close to 1500 feet of track, the other over 800 ft. Both run track power, and by pulling a cleaning car on a regular basis, they have great results. In fact open house weekends are underway, so I'll be visiting some of those brass track layouts this weekend!
Nice shot of the Cagney! Strasburg actually just restored the center cab last year, and even though it's not steam, she looks good. I'm guessing 89 was in for monthly inspections and they only run 31 on rare occasions. That's too bad, but I'm sure the team will have them both back up and running soon. They are a very talented group in the shops, so I'm sure if they don't have the parts, they'll either find one or make one.
If you have ever taken the noon shop tour, in one of the shops, the museum has a camelback in for restoration consideration. They also have several cars in  their own shop for restoration as well.