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Messages - bobv

General Discussion / switching from dcc to dc
January 29, 2009, 08:33:39 PM
Here is a question I haven't seen yet.  I have a new dcc  system and dcc locos.  Since I have mostly older DC locos, I have a way to switch from the DC transformer to the DCC- depending on the locos I want to run.
Question: Once I program a new dcc loco, it doesn't work anymore on the DC power.  Prior to the initial DCC programing, it did run on DC.  Is this correct?
Also, is it bad to leave non operating DCC loco's on a DC track?
General Discussion / Re: DCC train on a DC track
December 09, 2008, 02:41:57 AM
Well, I gave it a good try but it seems like the tender unit has a short.  It completely stopped and started to smoke- smells like burning electrical.  I guess I need to send it in to Bachmann for a replacement.
Anybody done this before?

General Discussion / Re: DCC train on a DC track
December 05, 2008, 04:18:06 PM
Dear Hunt
Thanks for your advice!  I went to a hobby shop to confirm that it wasn't my set up and it is definately the train.  It also runs smoothly backwards but jerkily in forward. Any Thoughts?  Do you think that it might be a foriegn matierial in the wheel works?  Should I send it back?
General Discussion / Re: DCC train on a DC track
December 04, 2008, 02:39:08 AM
Well thanks,
I removed the decoder and installed the 2  three pin jumpers per the instructions.  The train moves now but still only about 1/2 the speed of my other Bachman(SP Daylight) and Athearn Genesis Locos.  I have a very good power pack,(tech4 MRC 200) and the power is connected to the track in 4 separate locations.  It is very sensitive to the changes in power over the course of the track, none of my other locos have this problem.  Is there something the matter with the engine?  I also notice that the tender supplies power to the engines drive wheels.  Is this normal?
General Discussion / DCC train on a DC track
November 22, 2008, 08:31:32 PM
Hello- new to model railroading.  I just bought a DCC equipped Bachman Spectrum Norfolk and Western loco.
I put it on my regular powered track as I don't have any digital equipment.  Is there something I need to do to disable the remote control in order for it to run on the conventional system?  It barely moves.