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Messages - Casy jHOnes

HO / Re: Tips Using 18" & 22" Radius together
January 12, 2009, 10:37:55 AM
Thanks Again Joe,

Yep - I've got that short window of pretending kid is intrested so I can build what I never finished when I was 9! But can't $pend too much more w/o catching wifes attn.

-I read a post about custom cutting track by carefully measuring, cut out the middle and then join with rail joiners or solder. End result is a custom length with Bachmann Factory ends. Is that best way? Is there a hand saw or track nipper instead of spending for a Dremel Tool?
-Maybe I can use short custom pcs. of 15" Radius to get the 4" track center?
-Curious if there is sort of a track exchange between some of you guys? Do folks use the 36" strait tracks much? More expensive even at bulk price but is it worth it to have less joints?
-Wich Atlas Turnout is the exact size as a Std. Bach. least exp. model? Is it really as easy as just putting the correct thickness of material under it?
Thanks for your help.
HO / Re: Tips Using 18" & 22" Radius together
January 11, 2009, 08:38:17 PM
Thanks Joe,

If it was easy everyone would be able to do it. I'll figure something out. Just worried how many unused pcs. will be leftover.
HO / Re: Tips Using 18" & 22" Radius together
January 11, 2009, 07:07:35 PM
Found this info in an old post:
"So here is what I have learned.

to get Parallel with Bachmann HO e-z track
Regular Turnout use 1 18" radius {{{Yes but at 4-3/4" track centers and about 1-1/4" different lengths}}}
#5 Turnout use 1 full piece or 2, 1/2 pieces of 33.25" radius #44508.
#6 Turnout  use 1/3 18" radius.

As far as angles I don't have a clue what they are.  I only care about what actually worked.

I hope this helps,

GREAT Info EXCEPT - doesn't give distance between track centers! After reading many other posts I guess I'm not alone but I can't beleive Bach doesn't have some drawings. I am ready to "buy, buy buy" but can't get the info! Is there good examples in the latest Bach. Book?
HO / Re: Tips Using 18" & 22" Radius together
January 11, 2009, 06:00:56 PM
Yes that's it. Seems to me that a Std. 18" curve back towards the strait on a Std. EZ turnout comes out parallel but at 4-3/4" track centers! Does that mean I'll have to buy a "numbered" more expensive NS turnout? Intrestingly a Std. 18" curve on a 30' crossing brings tracks parallel  at 5-1/4" track centers. I'm thinking 3/4" can probably be fudged together with imperfect joint alignments but won't know until I try it. Thanks.
HO / Re: Tips Using 18" & 22" Radius together
January 11, 2009, 12:56:45 PM
Thanks Joe, I understand your scenario. I was hoping to have a 1/2 circle of 6pcs. 18" Std. Track surounded by 1/2 circle (8 pcs.) of Std. 22" radius track. Then have a Std. turnout with its strait section connected to the 18" circle. The turnout could have various strait sections between it and the 1/2 circle (2",2.25", 3", 4.5", 9") There must be some way to connect the TWO 1/2 circles and maintain the perfect 4" center of rail radius between the curves?
My 22" curves are on the UPS truck in case your wondering why the HECK he doesn't he just lay this out on the floor! I guess I assumed it would be easier and all I'd have to do would be throw in a couple 1/3 sections of 18" OR 22" Rad. It doesn't look like they make a 1/3 section of 22" Radiius though?
My layout is already together with all 18" curves and 3 levels with massivly steep grades! Going for max# of tunnels, bridges, crossovers. Thought it would be simple to "stretch it" by 4" or 8" per 22" radius curve to add some double track loop sections with curves exactly 4" apart. Maybe not.
HO / Tips Using 18" & 22" Radius together
January 10, 2009, 10:26:14 PM
I thought it would be easier to add a couple passing sidings around some 18" curves using Std. 22" EZ Track curves. Even after buying some extra "Gray" 1/3 curves and 3" straits it aint so simple. Is there any diagrams available? Such as can you use 2 Std. turnouts to create a 22" siding around an 18" 1/2 circle? Some diagrams of what "shorty" pcs. are needed to make the 2 "branches" of a Std. Turnout become parallel (as in 2 strait siding tracks) etc etc would be very helpfull. I attached 2 pcs. of 1/3 18" curve to a 30' crossing and that brings it parralell to a strait section on other side of the crossing BUT they are 6" apart instead of the 4" I need for proper 18" & 22" curves to be next to each other. (Hope that made sense) I am surprised that they don't make any 1/3 pc. of a 22" Radius Std. curve section - am I wrong? . Does the Bachmann EZ Layout book go into that much detail? I don't care about mixing black & gray track & tight radius.
Sorry for so many questions & improper lingo. I am trying to make a fairly simple (I thought) sort of folded dogbone layout 6x10' . I'd like to have the base level and the 2nd level have "independant" double track loops so that a train could run on each of 3 levels in a loop that it could only "escape" from by switching over to the inside loop in order to continue to next level.
Maybe this can't be done w/o flex track but I'd sure like to try.
Thanks anyone!