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Messages - keesu

General Discussion / Turnout Problems Revisited
August 09, 2013, 04:15:45 AM
Hello, All

A few weeks ago, I started a new topic to ask for assistance with Bachmann turnouts, specifically a DCC #5 Left and Right (Item Nos. 44132 and 44133).  I've also used the regular DCC turnouts left and right (Nos.  44130 and 44131, the ones without a number like #4 or #5) and have never had a problem with them.  I bought the two #5s because I was running cars that are too long for the regular turnouts.  From the moment I started using them, I had nothing but derailments whenever I went a certain direction.  Thanks to you guys, I was able to solve the problem with a little filing of the tips.  

All went well until yesterday, when I placed my beautiful new set of MTH Southern Pacific Daylight passenger cars on the track and started to roll.  As soon as I backed the train into the #5 right turnout, the train derailed.  (I have had no problem with this turnout when I run any other train, that is, after I fixed the initial problem with it.)  I ran the SP train on the #5 left turnout, and it ran perfectly.  I'm once again stumped as to how cars can behave so differently on the same turnout.  I've done some more filing on the points of the turnout, but this time it didn't solve the problem.  I've tried everything I can think of, but as soon as I back the track through the turnout, the wheels catch on the left point, even though there's not much left to catch the wheel on.  

I've noticed that the regular turnouts have much longer points, that is, they extend way beyond the point where the points anchor to the switching mechanism.  I wonder if this has anything to do with the fact that I've never had a problem with them.  I'm once again very frustrated since I'd really love to run this magnificent set of cars, lights and all, without having to anticipate derailments.  If this continues, I'm going to have to use different turnouts, although I have no idea what would be compatible with EZ Track.  I remember one of you saying that you make your own turnouts, but that may be a little too rich for my blood.  

Any help would be appreciated.  


General Discussion / Re: DCC Turnout #5 Problem
July 21, 2013, 02:58:02 PM
Hi, All

OK, i've decided not to give up after all given the encouragement you've all provided.  Doneldon, I do plan to get my track off the floor in the near future as you suggested; I only set it up that way because I wanted a temporary layout as I learned the basics.  And I'm not as young as you might think, my naivete about the subject belying my actual age. 

As for the problem with the El Capitan car, I decided to remove the trucks and place them on the track separately and then together and found no problem, so I figured it had to be something in or on the body.  I noticed little metal contact points under the trucks that I assumed transmit power to the car.  I placed little pieces of Scotch tape over them, and the problem was solved!  I should probably open the car to find the real offender, but I'm afraid I won't be able to reassemble it properly as has been the case when I tried to install lighting kits.

Thanks again for all your advice.
General Discussion / Re: DCC Turnout #5 Problem
July 20, 2013, 12:37:48 PM

Thanks for the encouragement; perhaps it'll be enough to keep me going a little longer.  The Walthers car I referenced doesn't have lights and is not designed for a lighting kit, unlike most of the other cars in the El Capitan set.  I'll try rotating the truck and see what happens.  As always, I appreciate your input.

General Discussion / Re: DCC Turnout #5 Problem
July 20, 2013, 04:01:06 AM
Hi again, you guys

I think I'm just about ready to chuck this entire hobby as I've about had it with derailments, electrical problems, and general headaches.  It's not as if I'm trying to do anything complicated or create complex layouts.  For now, I've been happy just learning the basics of consists, DCC, and basic track configurations.  I have a simple loop with a couple of turnouts on the laminate floor in my living room, no bumps or rises, just basic stuff, and still I find nothing but problems.  As stated in a previous post, I decided to use EZ track so that I could concentrate on other issues.  

This evening, I took my Santa Fe locomotives out of their boxes and attached several El Capitan cars hoping to enjoy my new turnouts.  Joy quickly turned into another episode of frustration when the system wouldn't power up.   I heard a faint click, so I thought it was just a loose wire somewhere.  I tightened up all the connections but  to no avail.  I then decided to remove all the cars from the track and run only the locomotives, which worked fine.  I then started adding back the cars and found that one of them was causing the problem: a Walthers Baggage-Dorm Transition Car (932-9770).  Every time I put it on the track, the power shut down, and when I removed it, the power would restore itself or I could power it up from the controller.  I don't see how a car without lights or any other power feature could wreak such havoc, especially when none of the others did so.

They call this the world's greatest hobby, but I'm ready to find something less nerve-wracking.  I can't imagine what it would be like to deal with problems in a massive layout when this little trifle that I have has caused nothing but misery.  I'm truly considering placing everything on eBay and calling it quits.  It's just not fun any more.

General Discussion / Re: DCC Turnout #5 Problem
July 19, 2013, 06:51:40 PM
Hi, Folks

Yes, I'm glad the new turnouts work, but I discovered an oddity in them.  When I took the turnout out of the package, I looked at the bottom side and noticed a tiny wire that wasn't connected, so I hooked it up, thinking that it needed to be.  I then noticed a message, cryptically written, that says the wire doesn't need to be connected for the switch to work.  When I connected the turnout, everything worked fine until I closed the switch and then reversed the train so that it went backwards through the turnout.  At this point, iy lost power, although it didn't do this if I reversed the train without closing the switch, that is, leaving it tripped. 

Not one to give up, I decided to unplug the little wire on the bottom of the turnout and see what would happen.  I ran the train in all directions with the switch in every possible position and experienced no loss of power.  I chose Bachmann track because as a novice, I wanted a minimum of effort to learn the basics, but I've discovered that trial and error is taking up too much of my time. 

General Discussion / Re: DCC Turnout #5 Problem
July 19, 2013, 01:06:31 AM
Hi, All

Well, I received another turnout in the mail today, hooked it up, and found no problem at all with it.  I scrutinized the daylights out of the other one and couldn't find a problem, but I've noticed that the locomotive runs much more smoothly and quietly than it did on the turnout I threw in the garbage.  Now to test the left turnout!

Thanks for all your help.

General Discussion / Re: DCC Turnout #5 Problem
July 18, 2013, 03:08:53 AM
Thank all of you for your responses.  Yes, Don, the B unit is picking up the points.  I tried the shim, but that didn't work, so I then tried to file down the points as you suggested, Jeff.  I guess I pushed a little too hard, so I broke the point off.  I was so frustrated that I threw the entire thing into the garbage can.  I've ordered another one from Amazon, which should arrive tomorrow, and I'll see if I have the same problem.

I originally used regular Bachmann turnouts, you know, the ones without the numbers (e.g. #5), and found that the curve of the turnouts didn't work for longer cars, so I ordered the #5 thinking that everything would work out.  As far as the curve goes, it's great, but only if the locomotives will stay on the track without getting snagged on the points.  If the turnout I ordered doesn't work, Bachmann's going to hear from me, pronto. Can any of you recommend other DCC turnouts compatible with EZ Track?  

I won't even go into the torture of installing lighting kits on Walthers Santa Fe passengers cars as that's for another non-Bachmann forum.

General Discussion / DCC Turnout #5 Problem
July 17, 2013, 05:22:41 AM
Hi, Folks

I recently purchased a Bachmann DCC Turnout #5 (right) and have  run into a frustrating problem.  The good news is that it's a cinch to program and switches perfectly every time.  Here's the problem:  when I run an A/B locomotive set, the B end gets stuck in the track when I set the turnout to right.  (There's no problem when it's closed.) I'll try to explain what I discovered.

It seems that the part of the track that shifts to send the train to the right (sorry, I don't know what that's called) moves a little as the locomotive passes over it, which isn't a problem with a single locomotive or the passengers cars that it pulls.  It only gives me fits when I run an A/B arrangement.  When the A loco passes over the turnout, its rear wheels appear to create a little space between the track part that goes straight and the one that veers to the right.  The front wheels of the B loco, then, enter the turnout while the shifter part of the track hasn't quite yet settled back to the full rightward position, so the B loco gets jammed between the two parts of the track.

One more thing:  when I manually pull the A/B set  through the turnout it works fine as long as I pull the A loco.  As soon as I push or pull the set with only the B end, it jams as described above.  I have run only one locomotive set so far, but I doubt the others will behave any differently.  i

Does anyone have a solution to this problem?  I'm really at a loss to figure it out.


Hey, Folks

First off, I want to say that you guys amaze me with your awesome amount of knowledge and analytical ability.  I'm afraid a lot of it is wasted on me, however.  I can only say that I'm trying to make the smallest figure eight possible using 26" track, smallest meaning both in terms of length and width. 

I tried Joe's suggestion about cobbling together 25" of straights but to no avail.  I feel as though I've tried hundreds of combinations using AnyRail, so I think I'm just going to buy a bunch of track and see if a little hands-on activity will yield better results. 

Thanks for the accolades, D, regarding my choice of 26" curves, but it's really of matter of not being able to run the passenger cars I want given that most of them require a minimum 24" curvature.

Hey, All

I'm new to this hobby and have a question about figuring out how to make basic layouts. Circles are a cinch, as are ovals, but figure eights never cease to confuse me.  I'd appreciate it if one of you could explain which track parts I need to make a figure eight using 26" curve track.  I've tried to do it on AnyRail but to no avail.  I had no trouble at all with figure eights using 18" and 22", but 26" has me stumped. 

Sorry for the rookie question, but we all have to start somewhere.  Maybe I need to take a geometry course!
